8b History of GB II.
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History of GB II.
1215 Magna Charta → parliament John the Lackland for money
1485 – 1603:
Henry VIII.
6 wifes
he wanted to divorce with his 1st wife Catherine of Aragon, but the Pope refused – she couldn’t have kids
1534 reformation: he abolished Catholic Church, took all their money, founded English Church – made himself the head → granted himself the divorce
Elizabeth I. (death 1603)
called virgin queen (because she had no kids and no husband)
Low taxes, so people were happy
Hired pirates to fight against France, Spain → won
Pirates were honoured in England
Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh (Virginia)
Defeated Spanish Armada (trick with burning ships) → England became the greatest Navy power #1 sea power
English throne→ James I. (in Scotland James VI.) – cousin son from Mary the Queen of Scotland
James I. death → Charles I.
The Civil War 1640 –1649
Parliament x King merchants church of England south north Roundheads fight CavaliersRoundhead
Compromise (Oliver Cromwell)
Leader Oliver Cromwell (Puritans) reorganised the army
Ranks awarded according to experience and not birth
1649 Oliver won
Charles I. beheaded (coin)
The Commonwealth 1649-1660
Oliver Cromwell
Military dictator (he was fighting for parliament and after he won he abolished parliament)
Became Lord Protector
End of parliament and king
People – didn’t like it
Cromwell death 1658 → Commonwealth was collapsing
1660 – Restoration of monarchy
Invited king Charles II. – king back
Limited his power → king depends on parliament
Parliament (2 political crews)
Tories (landed aristocracy) – support king
Whigs (bour merchants)
1686-1689 The Glorious Revolution
without death of people
Charles II. death
New king James II.
He restore – catholicism and he wanted to rule without parliament = absolute monarchy
Parliament said NO and James II. escaped → William of Orange
William of Orange proclaimed English king (James daughter – his wife)
1689 Bill of Rights
King power limited, signed by Will of Orange
Parliament strengthened
No changes yet
1701 – Act of Settlement
King always protestant