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Places of interest


Prague is the capital and largest city in the Czech Republic. It is located in central Bohemia, the western half of the country, on both banks of the Vltava River.

The historical roots of the Czech state can be traced back to the 10th century, when the region was ruled by the Přemyslid dynasty. In 935, Duke Václav was killed by his brother Boleslav in fight for power. This violent act gave rise to the Wenceslas cult and St. Wenceslas Is also the saint of the Czech Republic- we can find his statue in Venceslav’s square in Prague.

But speaking about itself Prague, it is quite useful to tell where the history of Prague started. It is in the 8th century with legendary character Libuše. Libuše is said to have been the youngest daughter of the equally mythical Czech regent Krok. She had the gift of seeing the future, and she was chosen by her father as his successor, to judge over the people. According to legends she prophesied from her castle at Libuín, Some later legends say it was Vyehrad. But every legend says that Libuše came out on a rocky cliff high above the Vltava and prophesied: "I see a great city whose glory will touch the stars." On the site to which she pointed she ordered to build a castle and a town called Prague.

Another important part in history of Prague is the period of time called Rudolfien Prague. Rudolf II, who was born 1552 and died 1612. He was Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia over 400 years ago. His reign and the people at his court contributed Prague’s reputation as a place of magic. Rudolf takes part in many of the legends, for example of the Golem of Prague, either because of, or simply adding to, his occult reputation.

Finally, let me tell you quite recent historical event, which I believe take part in life of most of the adults... In Czech Republic, we call it „the velvet revolution“. It was a period of the of revolutions changes between 17 of the November and 29 of the December. The result was an end of communism regime. The demonstration was, of course, already quite spread across the country. But I would say that in the Prague mostly. For example, in the Wenceslas Square, where were the biggest demonstration place. In the same place, there were about 200,000 people. The balcony of Melantrichovs Publisher has become quite important place. Here has been speaking many important such as Václav Havel. The symbol these days have become the keys and jingle.

I believe that Prague has quite important and long history, what we can see all around us. Charles Bridge, the Old Town Square and the Astronomical Clock, the Lesser Quarter with its narrow streets, and many other buildings make this city a live centre of Czech history and culture.

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