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American History II.

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American history II.


- the first world war

- 1914 – 1918 (11th November)

- USA at first just financing the war

- 1917 USA entered the war (116 000 killed, 83 000 KIA)

- League of Nations (UN + OSN)

  • USA founders

  • USA not active

  • Policy of Isolation = problems of Europe should be solved by Europe

  • immigration was limited for the first time

  • prohibition of alcohol => gangster (Chicago)

- after WWI:

  • world financing centre moved from London –> NY (Wall Street)

  • - 1929 Great Crash on Wall Street = BLACK FRIDAY (many people lost their money and savings, deepest crisis) => Great Depression

  • 1932 new president Franklin Delano Roosevelt (democrat)

  • his plan:

- New Deal = first intervention into US economy

- subsidies (support)

- farmers could sell their surpluses to the government

- old age + disability pensions

  • unemployment 17 mil –> 8 mil

  • Roosevelt popular – the only US president elected 4 times, served 3 terms


- 1st September 1939 – 1945 (8th May Europe/ 2nd September Japan)

- at first USA financing

- 7th December 1941 Pearl Harbour

- US military port

- attacked by the Japanese

- USA lucky aircraft carriers outside

USA x Japanese

- in the Pacific

- USA at first losing

- 1942 Battle at Midway

  • USA won on the sea

  • Japan lost 3 aircraft carriers

- 1943 Guadalcanal

  • USA won on land

  • 1944 Kamikadze pilots

- Japan still refused to give up

- 2 nuclear bomb

  1. 6th August – Hirošima

  2. 9th August – Nagasaki

- Japan surrendered September 1945


- Operation Overlord

  • 6th June the D – Day: invasion into Normandy –> successful

  • allies in France

- war in Europe goes to its end on 8th May 1945 (Berlin)

- USA loses 400 000 people (300 000 KIA)

- Europe divided –> Cold war (USA x Soviet Union)

Marshal Plan

  • 1948 – 1952

  • to rebuild Europe

  • investments + factories


- 1950 – 1953

- Korea divided after WW2 38th parallel

- North Korea attacked

  • at first losing

  • then UN troop joined

  • very close to Chinese borders –> China entered the war –> pushed USA back to 38th paralel

- not peace but ceasefire


- 1954 – 1975

- North (communists) –> China + USSR

- South –> USA + Australia

- 1965 first active combat troops => not successful

- 1973 withdraw => loses 200 000 – 250 000

US President

  • Trueman

  • Dwight Eisenhower (53 – 60)

- WW2 general

- 1st contacts USA – USSR

  • Kennedy (61 – 63)

- 1962: Cuban crisis

- shot in Dallas (by Henry Lee Oswald)

  • Ronald Reagan

- Hollywood Actor


- VAT – introduced Value Added Tax

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