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Argumentative Euthanasia Essay

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The second argument against Euthanasia is that if euthanasia is legalised many people will make the wrong decision. It is feared that unscrupulous family members or doctors will persuade the person in question to take their life against their will. Some people believe there is nothing logically inconsistent in supporting voluntary euthanasia but rejecting non-voluntary euthanasia is morally inappropriate. For example if someone is in a persistent vegetative state and their life is considered not worth living, but they have never expressed the wish die, then non-voluntary Euthanasia should not be enacted.

This final statement is more for euthanasia than against but it is merely a question. Why is capital punishment legal (in some countries) but Euthanasia is not? How can it be that a person who has done nothing wrong can not decide to take their own life but someone who has done something wrong can have their life decided upon by a different person or group of people.

In conclusion the Euthanasia debate is a very large one with many arguments, both for and against. This argument will probably not be solved for many years and even then a lot people will be displeased with the decision made. The arguments put across in this essay are very strong and go into a lot of depth when talked over in full. One last thing to think about is – Are we preserving life or postponing death?

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