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New Zealand is like Australia part of the Commonwealth. Governor general is Patsy Reddy. Legislative power resides with the single−chamber House of Representatives (Parliament), whose members are elected for three−year terms. The party that has a majority in the House forms the government, which comprises the prime minister (the leader of the winning party – currently Jacinda Ardern) and their ministers. There are two major parties − National and Labour. New Zealand's flag, like the Australian one, has a royal blue background with a small Union Jack, the flag of Great Britain, in the top-left corner. The four five-pointed red stars represent the Southern Cross star formation that is found in the Southern Hemisphere.

The currency is the New Zealand dollar, informally known as the "Kiwi dollar". New Zealand is heavily dependent on international trade. The country is important because of aluminium production, wood and paper products. Mining, manufacturing, electricity, gas, water, and waste services.

In New Zealand lives many unique animals – for example kiwi (symbol of the country). Tuatara is type of reptile, but looks like lizard.

Most popular sport is rugby. Their national team perform a haka – Maori dance, that should scare the other team. Other sports are cricket, tennis, basketball.

In New Zealand – home of Peter Jackson (LOTR director) – you will easily fall in love with the beautiful nature, mystic Maori culture and friendly people. In New Zealand there is celebrated the Anzac Day, a public holiday held on 25 April each year. This is a holiday to honour those New Zealanders who were killed in the two world wars.

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