Australia, New Zealand
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Agriculture is an important part of the country's economy. The most wide-spread is sheep and cattle breeding for meat and wool. This meat and wool are produced especially for export. Fishing is also wide-spread.
New Zealand is not rich in minerals, (extensive forest, natural gas, coal) but they are sufficient. Foreign trade with Japan, Australia and USA (food industry, engineering) is of special importance.
The children there must attend school from the age of 6 to the age of 15. The education is free of charge. There are also 7 universities on N.Z. The official language is English and the unit of currency is one New Zealand dollar ($NZ).
New Zealand was discovered in the years between 800 -1000. The first population were Maois, who came from the Polynesia Islands. The first European who arrived in the islands was the Dutch seafarer Abel Tasmann but the islands were officially discovered by James Cook from 1769 to 1770.
In 1907 N.Z. was granted the status of DOMINION.
System of government: follows British pattern
- the Crown is represented by a Governor General who appoints an Executive Council headed by the Prime Minister.