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Canada, Great Britain

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  • Northerm part of North America

  • Vancouver in the west, New Scotland and Newfoundland in the east, Victoria and Baffin islands in the north

  • Niagara Falls are between Lake Erie and Ontario

  • Big lakes: Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake or Lake Winnipeg(2 million lakes in Canada)

  • Large mountain areas: the Rocky Mountains, the Mackenzie Mountains and the Melville Hills

  • The highest peak is Mt. Logan (6050 m) in Alaska Region

  • The logest river is Mackenzie

  • Other big rivers: Yukon, the Columbia and the St. Lawrence River

  • Country is covered by tundra, forests and prairies

  • Canada was discovered by John Cabot at the end fifteenth century

  • Head of state: British Ueen Elizabeth II.

  • Valid currency is Canadian dollar

  • Flag: red maple leaf in the white field between two wide red stripes

  • Minerals and natural sources: coal, ion ore and gas (Canada is the largest world exporter of lumber and wood)

  • Capital of Canada is Ottawa

  • The largest city is Toronto (famous for its CN Tower), other large cities are Montreal( =Paris of Canada) , Vancouver, Edmonton, Hamilton, Quebec(oldest city in Canada)

  • National sports are ice-hockey and lacrosse

  • Royal police- královská garda, maple leaf- javorový list

  • Animals: beawer(bobr), canada lynx (rys), canada goose (husa), moose (los), grizzle bear, musk ox (pižmoň), nort american wolf (vlk)

Great britain:

  • GB consists: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

  • Official title- The United KIngdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  • Population – English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish,Indians (Indové), Pakistanis, Italians, Chinese, Jews

  • Geographical facts:

  • seas- the North Sea in the east, The Atlantic Ocean in the northwest, the Irish sea in the west and the Channel La Manche in the south (another channel- North Channel between Scotland and Northern Ireland)

  • Island surrounding Britain- Orkney Islands, Hebrides, Shetland Islands, Islands of Scilly, the Isle of Wight

  • England:

  • Capital is London (other city: Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Birmingham, Bristol)

  • Important range(pohoří) of hills is the Pennies

  • The higghest mountains are the Cumbrian Mountains

  • Rivers: Thames –flowing through London to the North Sea and the Severn- flowing to the Celtic sea

  • Wales:

  • Capital city is Cardiff, highest mountains are the Cambrian Mountains

  • Wales is called the land of castles

  • Scotland:

  • mountain situated in the north of GB is called the Grampians

  • highest mountain is Ben Nevis

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