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Canada revision questions

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Canada – revision questions

  1. At around …1080………….. A.D. the first European tribe settled temporarily on the North American East coast. They were ………Vikings……………… (name) And they settled in what we now call………Newfoundland.………………..…

  2. Briefly compare the early French and English colonization in North America in terms of time context and location.

French colonization took place in 1534, when Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence river and claimed the shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

English colonization took place in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia. It became the first enduring English colony in North America.

  1. Who fought in the Seven Years´ War and who won this war; think about the consequences for both nations (one example each).

War was between New France and British colonies. The British won the war. Britain received Canada, Acadia, and the parts of French Louisiana. Due to Treaty of Paris New France fall under the power of the British.

  1. What is the “birthday“ of Canada? 1st July…1867…………….. and what is the historical event linked with it.

British colonies of the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were united into one federation, formally in the Dominion of Canada.

  1. Canada is a member of the Commonwealth, which means the ……formal head of state……………….…. ………………… …….. ……… …………..……. is the ………British……………….. monarch. The effective head of the government is the……Prime………… …………minister……………

  2. Compare the approach to official languages in Canada and the USA.

Canada – English and French. The US Government never declared English an official language, primarily because the U.S. has always been a multilingual nation. But many states declared English as their official language.

  1. Canada is the……2nd…….largest country in the world, but its population is “only“ …37, 59…….… million; Therefore, the……density……………..of population is very low, less than …3.8…………% Majority of population live within……200……….km from the …US…….border. (why?) The land in this area is most arable because the weather up north is cold. It is also because of the strong trading relationship between Canada and US (NAFTA).

  2. Match the names of the five Canadian regions from the handout to these nicknames:

1.Mountains 2. Maritimes 3.Prairies 4. Horseshoe around Hudson Bay 5. Fertile farmland/old cities

1. The Cordillera region 2. The Atlantic provinces – New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island province of Newfoundland, Labrador 3. The Canadian Shield 4. The Interior Plains 5. The Great Lakes – St. Lawrence lowlands

  1. How does Canada (at the moment) benefit from the global climate change (gl.warming)? Give 2 exmpls

Global warming causes the ice to recede and that leads to lots of new deposits of resources. The temperature is also increasing, for example in the cold North.

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