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There are also special driving schools. Here you can learn how to drive any kind of vehicle – car, bus, motorcycle, tractor etc. These are not state institutions, everyone has to pay for tuition. The final exam consists of theoretical knowledge and driving skills.

It would be suitable to mention some special schools that prepare children with mental or physical handicaps for normal life. Specialised teachers are using special methods to help them prepare for the life.

Finally studying foreign languages. In my opinion it is important for everybody. We have many reasons to study them. Travelling abroad, reading foreign books, newspapers, magazines, business communication, corresponding with friends or for cultural reasons (watching films, visiting concerts and exhibitions) – that is where we need to use foreign languages.

The most important language for the world communication is English. It’s spoken in many parts of the world, mainly in Great Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (and also in Malta and Gibraltar). We can find English expressions more and more at present – in technical and electronic scientific circles people use many English expressions, computer programs and games are in English.

English is very popular and important now, but we can also study other foreign languages. In our country we study mainly German, French, Spanish and Russian. We begin studying them at elementary school. But there are courses for younger or older people in several language schools. Nowadays exotic languages are becoming more and more popular. Also you can learn language by watching filmy, listening to songs or downloading an application to your mobile phone.

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