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Qs for David and Trina

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The role of USA in today’s world

1. the war campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, what is their opinion

2. radar station project in the Czech Republic; how much they know about it?

3. setting up a radar station in Central Europe; what is the genuine reason

4. financial support for developing countries; health missions; Christian and other missions

5. the US way of spreading democracy; is it OK or not?

6. US engagement in making pressure on authoritarian regimes around the world

7. US orientation to the global interest x national interest

8. international affairs at home, with friends or at work; how much Americans care

9. the Olympics in Beijing, US boycott or not, why? find out

10. Obama or McCain, what’s better for the US foreign policy


1. David and Trina have been to Europe a few times before; what countries they’ve been to – find out; the differences in everyday habits of Americans and some Europeans.

2. some information about Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas customs in USA. Tell David and Trina about some Czech customs (describe Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve, Easter etc.)

3. some first-hand experience of the Hispanic minority. Positive or negative.

4. US laws that protect and promote equal rights of minorities.

5. Racism and neo-nazism in USA. Find out some information.

6. Muslim culture, David spent some time in a muslim family in Morocco; habits, customs, clash of cultures, Islam and women

7. Trina – position of women in US; traditional role vs. emancipated

8. USA – dream land for immigrants

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