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English history to 1603

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After his death the Britons were driven to Wales, Cornwall and Devon. Angles were the biggest tribe now. The land was called after them Anglia. The best known from Anglo-Saxon kings was Alfred the Great. He stopped the Danes, and made peace with them

5. The Vikings

In the 11th century the Danish king Canute managed13 to unite the Anglo-Saxons and Danes. The England became a part of Scandinavia. Vikings were attacking England since 8th to 11th century. But the Anglo-Saxon empire was restored by Edward the Confessor. He was very weak ruler so he wasn’t the real ruler. The real ruler was Harold Godwin. When Edward died Harold was chosen the king. This period is called Medieval England. With this decision was very upset William, the Duke of Normandy. He was Edward’s cousin, and he claimed that he had been nominated to obtain the throne. He took his army and he went to England. In 1066 he met with an army of Harold Godwin near Hastings. William had stronger army with archers and knights, so he won. After the battle he went to London and he was crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey in England.

This period was for England like a breakpoint. William brought with him to England feudal system and French language. He also divided the land among Norman nobles14.

6. 12th century

The greatest conflict during this century was a conflict between Church and State. The king Henry II wanted to reign without church he established new laws and orders and juries system. He made his best friend Archbishop of Cantebury Thomas Becket. He thought that Thomas would hold the church. But Thomas soon argued with Henry and left country. After his return Henry II executed him.

7. 13th century

The king was Richard the Lionheart, but he was very warlike so he was all the time fighting against Egyptian ruler Saladin. He also died in the battle in France. After him John the Lackland was crowned a king. He was forced to sign the document called Magna Charta (1215), because he wanted to increase taxes without parliament. This document limited the absolute power of the king and gave more freedom to the barons. During his reign there was also the first summon15 of the House of Commons. He lost also a lot of land in France.

The next king Henry III continued in Parliament. It was meeting of the king, his barons and servants. They were discussing problems. Simon de Monfort assumed House of Commons in 1265 for the first time.

8. Hundred years war (1337 – 1453)

The 14th century was for England quite difficult. In 1348 there was a plague (Black Death)

Which reduced population by 1/3. Edward III was the king and he thought that he had the right to be on the French throne, because her mother was a French princess. He was fighting with a Joan of Arc more than 100 years. England won some battles, but French were stronger and they won.

This war was for England very devastating. They had problems in economy.

9. The wars of roses (1455 – 1485)

After the end of hundred years war it wasn’t the reel end of the problems. The throne was free, so two noble families started to struggle for the possession of the throne. They started in 1455. The families were called York and Lancaster and both have in the emblem roses ( white and red ). They ended when the last York Richard III was killed in the battle of Bosworth field. Than Henry VII united two rival houses by marrying Eliz of York. So this established Tudor dynasty.

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