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English history to 1603

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There were two important rulers in Tudor’s dynasty. The first one was Henry VIII, the son of Henry VII, and his daughter Elizabeth I. The period of Tudor reign is called Renaissance.

10. Henry VII (1509 – 1547)

- he has six wives

- he united England and Wales

- he was learned and very ambitious

- he created the royal navy

- he established the church of England, because the Pop didn’t want to allow him the divorce with his first wife

11. Elizabeth I (1558 – 1603)

- during her reign the time called golden age

- a lot of outstanding personalities (Shakespear, Marlow, Spencer)

- England was center of trade roads ( because America was discoverd)

- outstanding discovers – Drake, Releigh

- strong Navy power

- establishing new colonies

- parliament became the real parliament

b) shopping, services

  1. ) pobřeží, břeh

  2. ) dobytek

  3. ) koza

  4. ) hrnčířství

  5. ) pazourek

  6. ) měď

  7. ) motyka

  8. ) rýč

  9. ) mohyla

  10. ) období

  11. ) vláda

  12. ) vpadnout

  13. ) řídit, vést

  14. ) šlechtic

  15. ) svolat

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