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Famous American Writer

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The main hero is an old fisherman called Santiago. He and his young friend have to live from fishing, but they are not able to catch any fish for a long time. After 84 days of failure Santiago decides to go more away from the shore in to the open sea. His friend prepares him bait and he started his voyage. When he finally catch a fish he recognise that he is too weak to extract the fish from the water. He tried to fatigue the fish. After two days and two nights the fish is finally tired. Santiago harpoons the fish and gets the fish to the side of the boat. However the sharks come here ad they eat up the fish. Santiago returns to the village only with the skeleton of the fish and out of the power.

I have chosen this book because Hemingway uses here his typical features. His heroes are usually loners and normal people. He describes the reality of the life which is sometimes very difficult and brings disappointment.

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