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Fish and chips – fish – covered in batter (a mixture of milk, flour) and deep fried; popular for workers in 1800s, but now too

The sandwich – invented by Earl of Sandwich in 1700s; meat or cheese or veggies between two slices of bread

Curry – Anglo-Indian dish; roasted bits of chicken in creamy spicy sauce

The great British breakfast – very fat; fried egg, bacon, sausage, fried tomatoes, mushrooms, beans and toast.

Beef, pork, veal, lamb, mutton, poultry

Roast, dough, fry, boil, simmer, steam, grill, stew, smoke

Peel, slice, cut, chop, dice, grate, beat, knead, grease, sift, drain, stir, pour, squeeze, mince, stuff

Kitchen unit, cupboards, plates, cups, pots, sink, drawers, cutlery, litterbin, dishwasher, cooker, microwave, fridge, pantry, tablecloth, tablespoon, knife, fork, mat, napkin, ladle, mug, jug, teapot, tea cosy, saucer

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