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Humans Manners

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When it comes to facial signals, you should always smile when you enter the interview room and when the interview has finished, because first and last impressions count. Try to smile from eyes first – if models can do this, so can we. There is no worse than a painted – on smile and terrified eyes.

You should also try to maintain eye - contact with the interviewer, but not too long. If you are in front of a panel of interviews, look first at the person who asked you a question, and then at each of the other panel members in turn. Looking just at the questioner is a common mistake.

Once you are sitting down, your hands should generally stay loosely in your lap. Use them to make a point occasionally but never raise them above shoulder level, and do not play with your hair, watchstrap and or jewellery.

Telltale signs that the interview has gone well are increased eye contact, the repetition of your name and perhaps even some closer body space. A look of relief may also be a give-away sign – the process of choosing a candidate is stressful for interviewers, too.

If you have not been impressive, the interviewer will be trying not to behave in a familiar fashion. Telltale signs are avoiding eye contact and a parting handshake, which is firmer than the one, which you were greeted with.

Body language is a subject that we have all heard about, yet we are not aware of the effect that our own body language has on others. In fact, it is vital – and after someone has noticed it for the first time, even subconsciously, they are unlikely to change their opinion because of what you say. So, at an interview, take the trouble to get it right.

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