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  • nursery school – 3 or 4 years old

  • playgroup – similar to nursery school

  • primary school

    • at the age of five

    • state-funded or private – both of them have to follow a prescribed national curriculum

    • infant schools - children acquire basic skills like writing, reading and maths

    • junior school – at the age of seven; more complex subjects such as history, geography and science

  • secondary school

    • at the age of 11

    • foreign language and a broader range of subjects, taught by different teachers

    • they take GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) that consists of eight or nine exams in maths, English, a foreign language, a science and a humanities subject

    • at the age of 16

      • they can leave school

        • vocational courses - pupils go to school and take exams in practical subjects such as mechanics or painting and decorating

        • apprenticeships – they learn a trade as they work

      • they can study for two more years in an institution called a sixth form college

        • they take four subjects in the first year, which ends with an exam – AS-Levels – then they go to study three of them at A-Level (Advanced GCSEs)

        • exams marked in letters

  • university

    • at the age of 18

    • bachelor’s degrees for either three or four years (person became a graduate) - can pursue a master’s degree in science or arts

    • most people in the UK have to fund part of their university education


primary, secondary and tertiary levels

  • elementary school

    • nine years

    • most schools are financed by the state

    • the school-leaving age is 15

  • secondary school

    • grammar school

      • prepares students for university

      • lasts four years or longer if the students have enrolled earlier from elementary school

      • final school-leaving exam in the fourth year - comprises four or five subjects, two on the state level: Czech and a foreign language or maths and two or three on the school level (foreign language and two electives)

    • secondary business schools/ agriculture schools/ pedagogic schools/ conservatories

    • secondary vocational school - train young people for jobs of bakers, mechanics, bricklayers or waiters

  • university

    • students have to pass demanding entrance exams

    • education at universities is free of chargé

    • the most popular subjects include humanities, law or medicine

    • Charles University in Prague, Masaryk University in Brno and others

    • three-year-bachelor programmes, five-year-master programmes - finish with a final state exam and a thesis defence

Témata, do kterých materiál patří