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London - Hisotry, Places of interests

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- at Speaker’s Corner everybody can say what he wants without punishment15

- Kensington Gardens - Albert memorial – commemorate Victoria husband

- Kensington Palace – home of the royal family

- Albert Hall is the place where take place a lot of concerts

- Regent’s Park - London’s most elegant park – gardens, lakes and zoo.

Other Places:

- British Library - more than 11 million volumes16 of printed books

- is a part of British Museum

- Museum includes outstanding things from Egypt, Asia, China,

Greece, Rome…

- London Dungeon - situated in the City, first medieval17 horror museum

- Madame Tussaud - contains wax portraits of a famous people

- Wembley - stadium for football

- Wimbledon - here take place the world famous tennis championship

- Greenwich - there is a foot tunnel under the Themes

- on the second shore18 there is a Cutty Sark – the old cargo ship

- there is also Old Royal Observatory and Greenwich Prime Meridian ( 0 )

- Thames Flood Barrier

- it is at the outfall19 of the Themes against floods20

  1. ) městská aglomerace↩

  2. ) městečko↩

  3. ) dvůr, soud↩

  4. ) předměstí↩

  5. ) hlavní, první↩

  6. ) okrsek, oblast↩

  7. ) šeptat↩

  8. ) příležitost, náhoda↩

  9. ) připomínat↩

  10. ) řada, (povyk, veslovat)↩

  11. ) lavice↩

  12. ) standarta↩

  13. ) starožitnictví↩

  14. ) problematický, pochybný↩

  15. ) trest↩

  16. ) svazek, (objem, množství, hlasitost)↩

  17. ) středověký↩

  18. ) břeh↩

  19. ) ústí↩

  20. ) záplavy↩

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