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  • Capital of Moravian-silesian region, 3rd largest city

  • Named after river Ostrá (dnes ostravice)

  • located in the easternmost part of the CR

  • In a basin surrounded by mountain ranges Beskydy, Jeseniky mountains

  • strategic location, near borders

  • lies at the confluence of ostravice, opava, lucina and odra river

  • Lucna is a tributary of Ostravice, Ostravice is the tributary of the Odra river

  • Odra is the contributary of the baltic sea

  • Ostravice divides the city historically into the moravian and silesian part

  • area: 214 km2

  • almost 300 000 inhabitants


  • Coat of arms

= in the shape of a shield

= White(silver) horse thats rearing

= It has a golden saddle, red seddle cloth

= Blue backround, grass, 5 petalled gold rose

= Only used with a written consent (legal authority)

  • OSTRAVA!!!

= Merchendising one, on public transportation

= 3 exclamation marks for vitality, energy and confidence


  • transport hub

  • Leoš Janáček international airport (Mošnov)

  • train stations: hl. nádraží, Ostrava-Svinov

  • highway that connects Ostrava to Brno and Poland


  • VŠB Technical university of Ostrava

  • University of Ostrava

  • Silesian University in Opava


  • 1st settlement on Landek hill <- encampment for mammoth hunters

  • they were the 1st ones to use black coal as fuel (found on the surface)

  • There was found landek venus (petrkovicka) = woman’s torso from hematite

  • Slavic Holasic tribe created a hill fort

  • Landek = today mining museum, sport facilities

  • Harenda -> historical pub

  • the city lied on the amber route -> trade route of amber from the North and Baltic sea to the Mediterranean sea

  • Medieval town was founded where today Masaryks square lies

  • 1st written document about the city was bishop Brunos last will 1267 as one of his properties

  • very unimportant untill coal


  • Silesian Ostrava Castle

= built in the 1280s near the confluence of the lucna and ostravice rivers

= For military purposes due to its proximity to the Polish borders

= Permanent exhbitions (torture chamber), regular events, seasonal fares, weddings

= Shakespeare summer festival

= Due to mining the location sank 10 m

  • St. Wenceslas Church

= 13th century in gothic style, classical concerts

  • Plague Column in Masaryk’s Square

= 18th century, baroque style

= made from sandstone

= statue of Virgin Mary

= the houses at the square were ruined because of bombing in WII, modern houses were built

= Archnouveau style houses in the city centre

= the Old Town Hall = neo-renaissance, museum

  • Cathedral of the Divine Saviour

= 2nd largest Roman Catholic Church cathedral in Moravia and Silesia

= Annual gospel concerts

= Seating capacity of 4000 people

= next to Jiří Myron theatre and Faculty of Arts (filozificka)

  • New town hall

= largest town hall complex in CR

= Used to be the tallest tower in CR

= Icarus statue, purpose not known

= Multi-purpose building (state scientific library, archive)


= Lower Vítkovice industrial area (industrial complex)

= served for a black coal mining and production of raw steel

= people moved to Ostrava for work in the mines

= Many buildings have been transformed and serve a new purpose

= Gong – concert hall

= Small and Large world of technology

= Bolt tower = at the top a cafe, viewing tower

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