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( astronomical clock ) decorated by Josef Mánes and the procession of the Apostles.

Other sights of the square are the John Huss Monument, the Týn Church etc. Not far from the square there is the Bethlehem Chapel, where John Huss preached.

From the Old Town Square Paris Street, lined with fine houses and shops, takes us to the Jewish Town with several synagogues and the Old Jewish Cemetery.

Celetná Street leads to the Powder Tower which forms a monumental entrance to the Old Town. Close to it there is the Municipal House, rebuilt in the late 19th century decorative style ( Art Nouveau ), where concerts and balls are held.

The heart of the New Town is Wenceslas Square, 750 metres long, lined with banks, department stores, hotels, boutiques, cafés and cinemas. The upper end of the square is closed by the Neo-Renaissance building of the National Museum which contains historical and natural history collections. Not far from it there is the St. Wenceslas Memorial, the bronze statue of the Czech patron made by J V. Myslbek.

The National Theatre, the most beautiful Neo-Renaissance building, is situated on the bank of the Vltava. It was built from the public money collection of the people in the second half of the 19th century. Before its ceremonial opening in 1881 it was severely damaged by fire and rebuilt within the next two years. The best artists decorated the theatre (e.g. M. Aleš, V. Hynais, F. Ženíšek ).

Vyšehrad was once the seat of Czech princes. Now only a few remains of the castle have been preserved on the rock. The oldest construction on Vyšehrad and in the whole of Prague is the Romanesque Rotunda of St. Martin, built in the 11th century.

There is also the Slavín Cemetery, the burial place of famous personalities of our cultural and political life.

But Prague is not only a historical city. It has many industries and is an important transport junction.

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