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Is the capital and the biggest city in the Czech Republic
there are lot of towers
Is situated on the river Vltava
seat of the president, parliament, government,
social, cultural, political, educational, business, financial centre of the Czech republic
historic Centrum – included in UNESCO
it is divided into 22 districts (Prague word with the corresponding /odpovídající/numeral /:njůmerl:/)
five historical districts have name
The Old Town, The New Town, Josefov (Jewish quarter), the Lesser Town, Hradčany, Vyšehrad
people have lived in this area since Stone Age
legend connects the foundation /:fndejšn:/ (založení) of Prague with princess Libuše
In the 9th century – Prague became the capital city of Bohemia
In the 14th century – the king Charles IV ruled
he founded
the Charles University (the Carolinum – oldest building of Charles University)
Charles Bridge, Hungry wall, The New Town, St. Vitus Cathedral, Horse market…
Rudolph II.
he invited artists and scientists to Prague
the Golden Lane was built (zlatá ulička)
In 1918 – Prague became the capital city of the Czechoslovak Republic
In 1993 – capital city of the Czech Republic
the most famous sight
founded in 9th century
official residence of the President (when he is there – we can see Czech flag)
it is a big complex of buildings
there is the Vladislav Hall – it is used for representative purposes
there is the Rudolph Gallery
there is the St. Vitus Cathedral
Crown Jewels are saved there
it was built at the time of Rudolph II. – alchemists who lived there (tried to make gold)
there is beautiful view on the Lesser Town, the National Theatre…
you can get there by cable car (lanovka)
there are parks and gardens
on the top is Mirror maze (zrcadlové bludiště), Petřín observation tower (petřínská rozhledna) (like Eifel tower)
Statue of Karel Hynek Mácha – patron of lovers
we can get there from Lesser Town square (malostranské náměstí)
connect Lesser Town and Old Town
the oldest bridge in Prague
built by Charles IV.
30 statues in baroque style
on the bridge there are lot of artists and musicians /:mňůzišns:/
centre of the Old Town and historical Prague
in the square is building – Old Town Hall (staroměstská radnice)
there is the astronomical clock (orloj)
it strikes every hour (udeří)
there is the John Hus Monument- in the middle of the square
gothic Týn Church – Tycho de Brahe is buried there
St. Nicholas church
from Old Town Square we can go along
Paris Street
it takes us to the Jewish Town
in the New Town
commercial centre of Prague (obchodní)
there are banks, department stores, shops, hotels, coffees
in the upper part (v horní části) stands statue of St. Wenceslas Memorial
at the upper end (na horním konci) there is the National Museum