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Hinduism is the world

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Hinduism is the world’s 3rd largest religion after Christianity and Islam ___________(1) about 800 million followers. It is the dominant religion in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Hindus sometimes call their religion “Vedic religion” ______________(2) the ancient texts known as “Vedas”. Vedas contain religious texts of wisdom that had been ____________(3) orally and finally recorded in writing. They were not written by any single person. Thus there is no single founder of this religion.

Hinduism is generally ______________(4) the world’s oldest organized religion with its origins between 2200-4000BC in the Indus Valley in modern Pakistan. Probably the most famous Hindu literal texts are the two Hindu epics called _______________________(5). Part of the Mahabarata is also the Bhagavad Gita, which means "Songs of the Lord”, that describes three ways to _______________(6) : the way of duties, the way of knowledge and the way of devotion.

Hindus believe that our world is a part of a process that has no _________(7) and no _____ (8). The basic belief of Hinduism is Brahma – which means World Soul – also without beginning and end. He is called the Three-in-one God, because Hindus believe that Brahman is:

Brahma/ the creator - these are not three separate deities

Vishnu/ the preserver - they represent different aspects of the same divine Spirit

Shiva/ the destroyer - in addition there are many other attributes called gods

- therefore the word god ______________ (9) the same meaning as in other religions

At the end of a cycle, called a “Day of Brahma” Shiva detroys the old world, Brahma creates a new one and Vishnu comes to the world in different human forms to preserve the world.

Man _____________ (10) body and soul.

body – is eventually destroyed when old – ruled by __________ (11)

soul – lives forever – ruled by calmness and search for truth

The wise try to live their lives not controlled by their desires, they live beyond the control of joy and sorrow.

Caste system:

It is the only religion that believes in the caste system. They believe that Brahma ________ (12) the first man – named Manu. Out of Manu’s head came – the holiest people – Brahmins – study of sacred books

hands came – the rulers and warriors – Kshatriyas – govermental and legal jobs

legs came – the craftsman – Vaisyas – merchants, farmers, industrial workers

feet came – the rest of the people – Sudras – serve as workmen, artisans, servants etc.

outcastes or untouchables – they are believed to be the ___________ (13) of intermarriages

The outcastes _________ (14) many uprisings in India during the early part of the 20th century and Mahatma Gandhi was one of the leaders fighting to restore the caste status of these people. He also fought for the ________ (15) of the caste system. But because it is __________ (16) in the sacred texts is continues to exist.

Women: use of ____________ (17) to determine the sex – abortion if a girl; murders of new-born baby girls; women believed to be evil sorcerers (witches)

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