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-> pre – school education

- divided into - nursery school (1-3)

- kindergarten (3-6)

-> primary/elementary school

- primary education starts there and it lasts 9 years

- children receive an education foundation: writing, counting and reading skills

- there are subjects such as Czech language, mathematics, physics, biology, geography, civics, etc.

-> secondary education

- lasts usually 4 years – from the age of 14 or 15 till the age of 18 or 19

- secondary education may be divided among:

- secondary grammar school (“gymnázium”)

- secondary special school (technical schools, agriculture schools, music schools)

- vocational school – prepare young people for practical professions

-> tertiary education

- start at the age of 18 or 19 and lasts from 4 to 6 years

- students may attend various universities or colleges (Philosophical Faculty, Medical Faculty, Law Faculty,...)

- for those who do not enter the university there are various types of two-year training courses (nádstavby)

- subjects - compulsory/bligatory (povinné)

- no obligatory (nepovinné)

- educational stages – stage is period or step in process of study:

1st stage

- contains first 5 years of education

- children are taught by only one teacher for all subjects

- the subjects taught at this stage are Czech, English, Mathematics, Arts, Music, Physical Education,...

2nd stage

- contains years 6 – 9

- subject taught at this stage are Czech, Literature, English, 2nd foreign language (obligatory in years 8-9), Mathematics, Computer Science, History, Geography, Civical Science, Physics, Biology, Music, Arts, Physical Education

- lesson: is a period of learning or teaching, it lasts 45 minutes

- exams: students are evaluated by marks from 1 to 5 (1 is the best and 5 is the worst)

exam is a test of a student's knowledge or skill in a particular subject

- schoolsprivate (we have to pay school fees)

- state (owner is the state, we don’t pay school fees)

- church (a school founded by or associated with the church)

- subject at secondary school: Czech Language and Literature, foreign language (English, German, Russian, Spanish...),

Geography, Mathematics, Psychics, Biology, Chemistry, Music, Fine Art, Civils, Social Studies

- a boarding school is a school where student live and study

School-leaving exam/graduation exam

- it’s ending exam on 4-year secondary schools and is a requirement for university studies and higher professional schools - graduation exam from all schools are equal and mean possibility to study in all types of universities

- students end their secondary education after passing their graduation exam -> they have to pass an obligatory exam

in Czech and one foreign language and must choose from two optional subject studied during previous four years

- subjects of exam: -> Czech language and world literature contains 3 sub exams: (grammar, writing, oral examp test of

Témata, do kterých materiál patří