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- High School includes four grades. Each has a special name in American English.:

the 9th – Freshman

the 10th – Sophomores

the 11th – Juniors

the 12th - Seniors

- there is a law in the USA that children must go to school until they are 16

-> Universities and colleges

- there are hundreds of 2 year colleges and there are over 2 000 colleges and universities with 4 year courses leading

to bachelor’s degree. Only some of them provide postgraduate work as well for master’s degrees and doctorates.

- when you want to study at university you have to have:

1. good grades

2. SAT exam (Scholastic Aptitude Test)

3. Exam curriculum activities

- famous American universities:

- Yale or Harvard, known as “Ivy League schools”

- Furman

- Stanford

- normal curriculum in US high schools:

- core courses (I must study them): English, History, Biology, foreign language (French, Spanish), civics

- electives: economics, art, accounting, music, typing, computer, technical education

- students usually needs part-time jobs because they have to pay their education

- GB – public (boarding) school = private school

- USA – public school = state school


qualities of a good teacher

- should be prepared for his lessons

- should educate himself in his branch all time

- his lessons should be interesting, and he should have a good relationship with hos students

- be fair, kind, patience, punctual and strict

qualities of an ideal student

- he should do homework, prepare for each lesson, do not disturb teaching, discuss with a teacher, do not cheat

and helps his classmates


- grammar school is a secondary school which prepares students for university studies.

In our school is about 500 students from the age of 10 or 11 to the age of 18 or 19. One part of our school it the

“eight-year-grammar school”.

- In our school you can find classrooms, student’s library, computer labs, a chemistry lab, director’s office,

a deputies’ office, physics lab, one civil lab, language labs and teachers offices.

- I think our school is good equipped. We have notice-board, maps, computers, teaching aids for physics, biology,

chemistry, history and English. In most classes there is an over head projector. We have got a new gym and playground.

- I think our “school buffet” could be improved because there isn’t a wide range of snack for us, especially for students

who spend all day at school or foe students who is a diabetic or celiac.

- grammar school is recommendable for students who wanted to study in universities or they have no idea what study.

- ffter-school activities at our school: Singing Chorus, Volleyball Team, Baseball Club, Robotic Club, PET, KET, FCE, CAE,...


importance of education

World Citizenship, promotes National Interest, true benefactors of human race, backbone of developing countries, moral, spiritual and ethical values, education produces good citizens, enjoy life, freshness of approach, transmit national culture, character, literacy, intellectual discipline, earn a livelihood, knowledge, empathy, help to our communities, friendship and social bonding

Témata, do kterých materiál patří