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Nature and environment

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obsah prezentace

Nature and environment – presentation

I will be talking about these topics connected with the environment. With each topic I am going to mention the basic problem and then some solutions. And at the end, I will tell you some things that I do for environmental protection.

I will start with soil pollution that is caused mainly by fertilizers from agriculture and landfills. Due to the fertilizers humans can produce more food but on the other hand, it causes accumulation of chemical substances such as nitrogen in the soil a result of this, the plants are not able to shield the ground from erosion. The soil also keep losing the ability of soaking water so we have more and more floods.

Other chemical substances are getting into the soil from landfills. I see the biggest problem in the decomposition plastics. They are decomposing on smaller pieces which are called micro and nano plastics. These pieces can get through plants into animals and then directly into human bodies.

The solution of this is just reduce some fertilizers. About landfills we can prevent creating new on by recycling as many things we can.

Next huge problem is water pollution because on our planet we have small amount of water we can use and we’re also contaminating it. We can distinguish two types of pollution. First is pollution of sources of freshwater such as rivers, lakes, and roundwater. These sources are contaminated by chemicals and pesticides from factories and agriculture. Second type of water pollution is plastic pollution in oceans. Plastics there not only harm animals and vegetation, they are also decomposing to microparticles . These days studies show us that these micro plastics are contained in fish from which they’re getting into human bodies.

So about solutions, we try to find more technologies for saving water and for sewage treatment. Again we should try to reduce fertilizers in agriculture and reduce or at least recycle plastics to prevent they would end up in oceans.

Ok now I will be talking about air pollution which is the biggest problem in cities and industrial areas. The air in cities is polluted by substances such as carbon dioxide sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxide which are mainly from cars and factories. They cause problems like acid rains, smog and of course global warming. About global warming I would like to talk more because it’s the biggest problem that people have to

face these days.

So it’s a process caused by greenhouse effect from man-made emissions, like carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor or nitrogen oxides. Due to global warming the temperature on our planet is rising. That causes melting of arctic ice and rising of sea level, more natural disasters, desertification and many more problems are connected.

So about solutions which can help reduce the air pollution and global warming is for instance renewable sources of energy like wind, water or solar energy. Solution everyone can do is reduce our carbon footprint by using public transport or by buying secondhand clothes.

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