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Nature and environment

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obsah prezentace

So that all about pollution now I would like to talk about some endangered species.

So nowadays many species are on the edge of extinction due to human activities. Some animals like elephants or whales are endangered because we hunt them – elephants for their tusks, whales for oil and meat, seals for fur or sharks for fins.

Others endangered animals such as orangutans, jaguars or tigers are in danger because we’re destroying their original habitat. The biggest problem is now cutting down rainforests in Indonesia or Amazonia. People cut them down because they want to use the land for growing another

And finally something about how I personally try to reduce my carbon footprint. So I think the biggest achievement is recycling because I learned my whole family to recycle everything they can so not on,y paper and plastics but also glass, metal or electronics.

I also try to reduce as many plastics in my life as I can, I use public transport instead of a car and I try to save water and energy. For example I don’t use heating as much in my room and if I’m cold I just take on my hoodie.

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