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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

Obchodní akademie Neveklov


Ondřej Konečný, 4. A 2018

Obchodní akademie Neveklov

Školní 303, Neveklov 257 56


Author: Ondřej Konečný

Tutor: Mgr. Jan Hendrych

School year 2017/2018

I declare I worked out this graduation work on my own. I used the information sources which are stated in the list.

Neveklov, 19th March 2018


I would like to thank Mgr. Jan Hendrych for valuable advices, factual comments during the consultations and NejFake for allowing me to interview him.


Introduction 6

1 Characteristic of YouTube 7

1.1 Company Structure 8

1.2 Features and Affiliated Services 9

1.3 Positive Motivation 10

1.4 Negative Motivation 13

2 Google AdSense 14

3 Characteristic of YouTuber 15

3.1 Popular Czech / Slovak and Foreign YouTubers - Comparison 16

4 Decision-making – Type of YouTuber 19

5 Time Performance 21

6 Acquisition Costs 24

7 Sign Up 27

8 Video 29

9 Promotion 31

9.1 Components affecting the Total Revenue 32

10 Enabling Monetisation 33

11 Revenue Analytics 35

12 Process of Money Withdrawal 37

13 Channel Tips 38

14 Inspiration versus Copyright Strikes 40

15 Interview with NejFake (Video Blogger) 43

Conclusion 47

Sources 48

List of Attachments 50


This work was written for a purpose to learn about the possibility of receiving a profit through the well-known server YouTube. It is supposed a reader has general assumptions of the Internet, the YouTube service, virtual society, interconnection between social sites and the opportunity to make money on the Internet.

This option of making money is beneficial further for the film industry because they can become directors, writers or scriptwriters, film editors, actors or other positions in the film industry. The majority of creators on YouTube can speak foreign languages and negotiate with various companies. In contrast, it is slightly dangerous and risky due to the possible addiction, prosecution, cyberbullying, verbal abuse and human rights violation. It exists two sides of YouTube – the good side (explanations, manuals, tutorials, travelling experiences etc.) and on the other hand the bad side.

The theoretical element, which starts from the beginning, has several chapters about Google and YouTube as companies where author focuses on the economic aspects – the company management, the huge offer for the marketplace, the wide range of possible contribution and the remuneration of employees (those who signed up on the server – such as sole traders, not those people who officially work in the headquarters or other affiliations).

The practical element begins from the fourth chapter to the end and is more focused on the management of users and entertainers who want to obtain the profit, the marketing itself and the advices for online performing. Anyway, there are drawn up a lot of concepts and auxiliary means into that manual which help other people to obtain the profit.

The last chapter contains the conclusion. The conclusion includes the keynotes of the graduation work and the summary what the reader learnt (new) about.

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