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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

YouTube mění pravidla. Vydělávat můžete až po 10 000 zhlédnutí. YouTube mění pravidla. Vydělávat můžete až po 10 000 zhlédnutí [online]. Praha: MAFRA, 2017, 11. dubna 2017 [cit. 2018-01-14]. Dostupné z: https://technet.idnes.cz/youtube-penize-0gk-/kratke-zpravy.aspx?c=A170410_114657_tec-kratke-zpravy_vse

WOJCICKI, Susan. Additional Changes to the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) to Better Protect Creators. YouTube: Creator Blog [online]. California, USA: Susan Wojcicki, 2018, Tuesday, January 16, 2018 [cit. 2018-01-17]. Dostupné z: https://youtube-creators.googleblog.com/2018/01/additional-changes-to-youtube-partner.html

List of Attachments

Attachment 1 – Basic categories of YouTube

Attachment 2 – Minimal and maximal costs (bar graphs)

Attachment 3 – Consumption of time (table)

Attachment 4 – YouTube channel for business

Attachment 4 – Monetisation settings

Attachment 6 – Issue

Attachment 7 – Opening a dispute with YouTube

Attachment 1 – Basic categories of YouTube

Source: YouTube (during uploading)

Attachment 2 – Minimal and maximal costs

Source: Own processing

To clarify the graphs, numbers mean types of Youtuber (1 – let’s player, 2 – vlogger,
3 – animator).

Attachment 3 – Consumption of time

Source: Own processing

Attachment 4 – YouTube channel for business

Source: https://blog.bufferapp.com/create-a-youtube-channel

The person can choose several categories (Product or Brand; Company, Institution or Organization; Arts, Entertainment or Sports; Other)

Attachment 5 – Monetisation settings

Source: YouTube settings (own channel)

The monetisation settings only appear when the monetisation is enabled on the channel.

Attachment 6 – Issue

Source: YouTube – any video can be flagged

Attachment 7 – Opening a dispute with YouTube

Source: YouTube (own channel)

  1. A corporation which is created by a number of various unrelated businesses↩

  2. A huge video-project consisted of top topics in that year (e. g. viral videos, events, music) where a load
    of YouTubers appear↩

  3. A metal trophy given by YouTube where a big play button symbol is↩

  4. PewDiePie made up a greeting which looks like a fist for his ‘friends’ (= subscribers)↩

  5. Multi-channel networks or partnership networks are third-party company that provide assistance to various YouTube channels in exchange for a percentage of earnings↩

  6. A website which compiles all various data from YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, and Instagram↩

  7. A video which becomes quickly popular because it spreads like a virus among viewers↩

  8. Construction toys by the Lego Group↩

  9. A name of popular sandbox video game↩

  10. A type of video where a person acts in reality like they would be in a video game↩

  11. A type of video where a person edits something or someone↩

  12. A type of experimental video which do not have to be animated, similar to a vlog but usually shorter↩

  13. A synonym for trendy (adjective) or the most watched topics (noun)↩

  14. The manufacture of own products (stands for do it yourself)↩

  15. Abridged from video bloggers↩

  16. Keywords written by the # symbol↩

  17. A type of video which is accelerated↩

  18. A professional screen for film post-production (also known as green screen)↩

  19. A digital single-lens reflex camera↩

  20. Magic Bullet Looks, a software (Red Giant Software) providing plugins↩

  21. A chart model analysing the status of production development↩

  22. Products misleading to the market↩

  23. The mitigation of production, consideration of the product suspension↩

  24. A value-added tax↩

  25. A concept with a humorous content↩

  26. A footage which is not included in the original video↩

  27. A string of characters for the placement of source (stands for Uniform Resource Locator)↩

  28. A portrait in any form (a real photo, sketch, cartoon etc.)↩

  29. A cover photo↩

  30. A miniature or reduced-size screen of photo/video↩

  31. A method of luring a customer (YouTuber makes a viewer click or watch a video)↩

  32. NoCopyrightSounds – a record company providing non-paid music↩

  33. A German organization policing the usage of rights↩

  34. A cloth worn on the head or around the neck↩

  35. Providing a service to a brand where a person is hired as a representative brand component↩

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