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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

I do various videos and various series, so it is always different, but I will spend by a simple video about 5 hours, by film or something more difficult 20 – 30 hours.

  1. Do you think YouTuber influences the current marketing? How?

Unfortunately, yes, I do and I think a lot. I think the influence is wrong in some way inasmuch as YouTubers promote more stuff which are not morally compatible with their content and viewers – alcohol, gambling etc. To some extent, these authentic YouTubers are ceasing to be real and become the brand and promotion puppets.

  1. Do you have a plan B if you come to an end on YouTube?

In fact, I already work as an ad agency, I will set the agendas of campaigns, promotion and spots instead of my current video content. I also have a plan C, but I will keep that in reserve.

  1. Is it possible to work as a YouTuber?

If you do your best, then yes. I work as a YouTuber since 2014, but I am most glad that I keep enjoying creating videos and I do not make them because I have to. If a YouTuber has several decades of thousands of subscribers, active Instagram and so on, it is not a problem to earn 30,000 CZK and more per month. The most viewed YouTubers earn over 100,000 CZK monthly and often even more.

  1. Has anyone ever helped you with the work, channel design or managing a social site? If yes, have you rewarded the person financially or in other way?

I have done everything on my own. Currently, I have friends for recording when I cannot be behind or front of the camera but regarding to the basic stuff, I do everything on my own because somehow I only know the way how it should look like and affect. I used to have a few people for composing the music or making the animation, but these people have already been glad to be a part of my video. If someone helps me and it is a paid order, then they have a profit as in a usual job.

  1. Do you earn money via other sites?

Sometimes I have a sponsored post on Instagram and that is all.

  1. Which YouTube category is the most profitable from your point of view?

The catchiest videos should shock people, so quarrels, nudity, pranks, and violence and so on. It is sad but the viewer is pulled in these videos. Also playing games is alright, children can spend hours in this. Even though they get nothing from that, you can earn a lot money due to the length of the video and the number of inserted promotion.

  1. Do you sell some goods with your identity?

Currently, I have t-shirts – 3 kinds, bracelets and badges. I also sell posters on the CineTube event and that is all.

  1. Which marketing move on YouTube is the most effective in your opinion?

Well, the connection between YouTubers and promotion had a great start because YouTubers were real and it was not the promotion for viewers. But nowadays, it is changed and certain groups of viewers complain about the promotion of YouTubers. The rest of the viewers takes

it easy if the video is funny. A plenty of YouTubers do not even admit the cooperation, so the viewer cannot recognize it. According to the principles, every YouTuber should do it though. Presently, I think the best way of promotion is the ambassadoring35 and the long-term cooperation. The video cannot make such a promotion and the viewer will quickly forget to the next uploaded video what brand had been presented. Instagram appears as a great possibility how to promote individual brands as well.

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