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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

NejFake is a pseudonym for a YouTuber from the Czech Republic who wears a kufiyah34 around his neck. He has started recording videos from 2006-2007, but officially joined YouTube on the 31st of July in 2009. He wears the kufiyah for the sake of keeping his privacy. He follows his motto which reads: “The name and the face are not important, the important things are the idea and the opinion.” He has not revealed himself yet. His channel is followed by over 570,000 subscribers at the moment.

Author’s interview with NejFake is written up below.

  1. When did you find out you are famous on the Internet?

I would say I have never become famous because the fame is a thing what appertains to people who seriously has done something big. I only make videos on the Internet. Anyway, if there is something what has made me famous, it would be a video called ‘První český Facebook song’ from 2010. It was my first viral video and quite determined the direction of others’ work. Immediately after my video, a lot of people started making videos on this topic which was originally my idea. So when I have become “famous”, it took two or three years and therefore I have to state nothing happens at once and a human has to wait for the success.

  1. Which social sites do you use to inform your followers about your work?

The standard sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Ask and YouTube. I am the most active on YouTube and Instagram that I have believed since the sign-up when this social site had not been so known, but it seems that Instagram actually grows the most from all present socials sites now.

  1. How much has your equipment for YouTube cost?

My first camera half-shared with parents has cost 12,000 CZK. When I have earned some money in the part-time job, all the money have been invested to the equipment – camera (12,000 CZK), lights (4,000 CZK), microphone (4,000 CZK), tripod (2,500 CZK), editing software (1,500 CZK) and that means 35,000 CZK overall. When I have earned enough money by making videos on YouTube, I have also purchased a new PC, monitor and furnished a studio for recording. Everything cost another 70,000 CZK.

  1. Do you have a partnership with any MCN on your YouTube channel?

I have used the default Google AdSense till 2015 and then, I have joined the Czech site Tubrr where I am situated till today and I am absolutely satisfied with it.

  1. Are you involved to the sponsorship?

I was one of the first YouTubers who have used the promotion as a video component since 2012. At the moment, I am an ambassador of mobile phone brand Honor, but I have also could cooperate with other brands such as Fakeer, Albi, Samsung, Česká rada dětí a mládeže, Datart, Komerční banka, Microsoft, Niceboy, Yenkee, Studentská pečeť, Lay’s, Vodafone or Pomp.

  1. Are you set up as a sole trader?

Even though a plenty of people do not want to accept this, making videos is a business as any other else, you just do what you enjoy. Yes, I am.

  1. How long does the production of whole video take?

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