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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

CPM (cost per mille) or also known as CPI (cost per thousand impressions) is one of the algorithms of pricing web ads. This is a simple equation how to calculate the CPM. For instance, Facebook uses this program.

$$\text{cost\ per\ impression\ }\left( \text{currency} \right) = \frac{advertising\ cost\ (currency)}{number\ of\ impressions\ (\#)}$$

However, there are other factors affecting the cost such as the duration of ad and video (of course there are a lot of more). It is a very complicated process how to figure out the equation. Furthermore, the amount will be both detached (Google takes 45% of the user’s revenue) and taxed.

Enabling Monetisation

The monetisation is occurred under certain circumstances based on the YouTube Partner Program (hereinafter only YPP). In the first place, it is necessary to know recent changes in the YouTube Terms for enabling monetisation. The information about updates is always officially announced on the Creator Blog under the auspices of the YPP by the present CEO of YouTube.

On the 18th of April 2017, YouTube implemented a new decree about the monetisation – to apply and be approved for the monetisation, it is necessary to reach at least 10,000 views on the channel first (Wojcicki, 2017). Another option how to build the audience and reach enough views is to look at the tips from the YouTube Creator Academy.

Nevertheless, on the 16th of January 2018, Wojcicki announced YouTube was pending to new changes which would be updated in February 2018. According to the upcoming decree, the criteria of enabling monetisation will be more difficult to achieve and this will manifest to the number of subscribers and the channel activity (accurately the hours of watch-time) this time.

When the channel reaches this number and the monetisation is activated, YouTube commences monitoring the channel to make sure the content is legal and adheres the YouTube’s terms and the Programme. The process of approving may last weeks and afterwards, YouTube sends an e-mail with the approval (start earning money) or rejection (defaulting terms). To reapply for the monetisation, it is in need to wait 30 days after expiring the former application.

Image 18 – Monetisation enabled (own channel)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/account_monetization

The monetisation on YouTube is maintained by the Google AdSense service in the beginning. By placing targeted text and image ads with the user’s videos, AdSense enables to earn money if a person is above 18 years of age. If the person accepts the association with AdSense, the user’s videos will as start earning revenue as they become a VAT24 identification number (submits a summary report to the revenue service) from this moment. The ads promotion, which has been provided, comes abroad in the EU – Google Ireland (a European affiliate of American Google) and this company is a taxpayer. However, the person has a chance to avoid these invoices and other papers thanks to services of the partnership network.

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