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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

Image 14 – Live-stream (record, channel of Baxtrix)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TKFL7xdYXc

Another Youtuber type falls under Entertainment. Bloggers or vloggers15 publish videos on various concrete situations. They gloss and parody current topics.

Although, YouTubers give priority to the category Entertainment because logically,
the majority of these activities are associated with fun and amusing spectators. Furthermore,
a spectator who is just searching for a particular video or YouTuber he or she is able to search through hashtags16 or keywords related to the category.

Time Performance

One of the frequently asked questions are about the performance time. The society, that is not keen on YouTube business, might not comprehend the reasons of this time-consuming process.

The research of time performance (except designers) has been created on author’s clear estimates or experience. Certain webpages on the Internet helped out for figures for designers.

Table 1 – Let’s Player and Streamer

Source: Own processing

It is more time-consuming to be a Let’s Player than a Streamer. The advantage of the streamer is they do not render and upload on YouTube. It is automatically added after the termination. Though the streamer cannot prepare the recording and has to improvise among spectators.

Table 2 – Home Vlogger and Outdoors Vlogger

Source: Own processing

Both options appear very pretty. However, there are always some pros and cons. To be a Home Vlogger, it is much easier to make a video but it can takes longer whereas outdoors vlogger has to deal with the outside conditions (noise, disruption …).

Table 3 – Designers

Source: Own processing

If a designer wishes to boost up their earnings, it is better to provide a job order for a client. This takes a lot of time and it ends up by the final negotiation with the client. Afterwards, the designer can upload it as a speed-art17 or tutorial on YouTube.

In spite of the fact that animators belong probably to the busiest YouTubers, they are seen on YouTube sporadically (in the ratio of other types) or not so known. Their videos last long most of the time and nowadays, people want short videos. Among favourites belong the vloggers and the let’s players in particular. The reason is easy to understand – viewers watch videos because it amuses them. The art is educative and too long to spectate.

It is not said that designers are neglected among spheres on YouTube, the spectators are the crucial question. Some appreciate the way of amusement, other the gift.

Chart 1 – The most time-consuming activities before upload (animator)

Source: Own processing

All the tables and charts are only author’s estimates. There occurs a lot of factors affecting the making a video (idea, right moments, conditions etc.) It depends on the YouTuber as well.

Other graphs and tables can be viewed in the attachments.

Acquisition Costs

If a person wants to run the business in a professional way, it is in need to have the equipment because quality is over quantity. There are three optional sets for different types of Youtuber. The price range is approximate, the equipment (except the software) has been chosen from these servers (http://pro-youtubery.cz/) and (https://www.alza.cz/).

Témata, do kterých materiál patří