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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

Image 13 – Top 5 Foreign YouTubers

Source: https://socialblade.com/youtube/top/50/mostsubscribed

Due to the information that user can be anyone, YouTube manages sub-categories which seemingly belong to the most subscribed accounts, but it is better to write only about YouTubers.

Although, a lot of artists have their songs at VEVO, which are subsequently uploaded on YouTube, VEVO might manage the channels and it is probable VEVO and the artist share the revenue from those YouTube channels. Nevertheless, this information is merely hypothetical.

The account of PewDiePie has 56,207,871 subscribers. The account owns Felix Kjellberg from Sweden, who moved to the USA, and he is considered as the most subscribed YouTuber and he is only one who owns the Ruby Play Button. His category is Gaming and Entertainment. He is known for playing games, making montages11, music, vlogs, and travelling. His estimated monthly earnings are 1,633,066 – 20,776,925 CZK.

The account of HolaSoyGerman has 32,010,075 subscribers. This Chilean (Germán Garmendia) comes under Entertainment and focuses on vlogs. His estimated monthly earnings are 197,381 – 3,166,403 CZK.

The account of elrubiusOMG has 24,940,756 subscribers. A Spaniard (Rubén Gundersen) belongs to Comedy category and his videos are based on vlogs, music, and playing games. His estimated monthly earnings are 436,324 – 6,979,100 CZK.

The account of Smosh has 22,724,493 subscribers. Smosh is a popular tandem of two men (Ian Hecox & Anthony Padilla) from the USA. Their works evolve from the modern trends in Comedy (shows, music videos, vlogs, sketches12, and real-life videos). Their estimated monthly earnings are 351,137 – 5,630,664 CZK.

The account of Fernanfloo has 22,588,309 subscribers. A man (Luis Fernando Flores) from
El Salvador whose works are connected with gaming category most of the time. His estimated monthly earnings are 610,828 – 9,762,852 CZK.

Decision-making – Type of YouTuber

Initially, it is vital to know which area the user intends to contribute. YouTube offers a range of mainstream13 categories. The most used options for making videos are written out below.

The first category which YouTube offers is Film and Animation – here are miscellaneous animations (animated films, series of sketches, short animated motion graphics, …) and films (trailers or teasers) It does not seem it can be an option of being a Youtuber, however, the person who considers to be an animator, motion graphics designer or sketch maker, belongs here.

Ladies explaining the fashion and various make-up tips come under the category
Beauty & Fashion or How-to & Style. These well-known categories belong to the biggest mainstreams on YouTube. Girls and women love doing tutorials regarding to make-up, modern trends (e.g. the haul), manicure & pedicure or providing so-called DIY14.

Men prefer to play and comment video games. The viewers or subscribers call them
Let’s Players because they introduce a game. It used to come under Entertainment, but this category has become quite popular that Youtube detached this category to platform YouTube Gaming supporting playing games and live-stream (= to perform live) and then they are called streamers.

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