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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

In the second place, if a user reaches a certain number of subscribers, YouTube will award the person by Play Button3 which is a part of the YouTube Creator Awards but there is no special ceremony for it. YouTube sends a personal consignment with a letter of acknowledgement and the mentioned prize.

The Play Button is divided by the number of subscribers:

  • The Silver Play Button (100,000 subscribers and more)

  • The Gold Play Button (1,000,000 subscribers and more)

  • The Diamond Play Button (10,000,000 subscribers and more)

  • The Ruby Play Button (50,000,000 subscribers and more)

Image 6 – The Gold Play Button

Source: https://www.youtube.com/yt/creators/awards/

The Ruby Button was only forwarded to PewDiePie so far in 2016 (Cohen, 2016). However, the button does not look like an official symbol of play button because PewDiePie is the most subscribed person on YouTube and thus YouTube decided to send him a prize which looks like his greeting gesture so-called Brofist4.

Image 7 – PewDiePie unboxes the Ruby Button (2016)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Vj5M0qKh8g

Negative Motivation

The restriction occurs if the user applies the extreme unfair competition, copyright strikes and other use of someone else’s sources. The most common are the copyright strikes where the penalty is often the disallowed monetisation.

Image 8 – Blocking a video - result (2012)

Source: https://blog.metamorphium.com/2012/12/22/achievement-unlocked/

If the person keeps neglecting the warning of YouTube, it can culminate to the account termination (YouTube Help, 2005).

The account termination motivation is very similar to the restrictions motivation, however, it is much stricter and the reasons (repeated violations, abuse, and policy violation) might be greatly violating to the terms of YouTube (YouTube Help, 2005).

Image 9 – Account termination from the perspective of viewer (2017)

Source: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/youtube/MtTLN3w8zqY/

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is the official service of Google which offers means of online advertising to make money online (Ali, 2017). YouTubers also call the service as the standard version because this would recommend YouTube as the first one.

Image 10 – Google AdSense (logo)

Source: http://ppcanswers.info/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Google-Adsense.png

Google AdSense works with keywords of the content which the user uses. Then, these keywords are matched with user’s ads in websites on the sides of the page, and appear in the recommendations of search results (Lotich, 2011).

Even though it looks quite simple to sign up in the Google AdSense, the appearances can be deceptive. The service has strict terms to obey and a lot of applications have been rejected. Google AdSense requires a clear and sufficient content of the user, design of the channel, to be above age of 18, and no other serving competitors during the monetisation (Ali, 2017).

Some users can be dissatisfied with Google AdSense and might change the service. Among the alternatives can be used the MCNs5 or other services providing means of advertising
(Ali, 2017).

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