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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

Characteristic of YouTube

YouTube is a popular video hosting service. A viewer is able to search for and watch videos and that is all what viewer can actually do. The rest of the services is only accessed after the creating an account. Regarding to the creating the account, a person, who agrees with the Google Terms, must be above 13 years of the age. The user can like/comment/share other YouTube videos, in addition to that, they can support the uploader by the subscribing the channel, and upload own videos or make a playlist of owned/not owned videos.

YouTube was registered by three former PayPal employees on the 15th of February 2005. At the beginning, the development of the known domain was situated in the garage of one of that employee, afterwards, the first public experiment of the site was broadcasted in May 2005 (Miller, 2011). This online video sharing service went officially live in December that year. In those days, among the biggest competition was a short film website Atom Films. After several months, they obtained 3.5 million American dollars of the venture capital. Moreover, YouTube gained the momentum thanks to the Google’s bid which ended up on 1.65 billion American dollars in October 2006 and Google became the parent company of YouTube (Sahlin & Botello, 2007).

Image 1: Logo

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube#/media/File:YouTube_Logo_2017.svg

The logo of YouTube is clear - the red button with the triangle represents to play a record. Originally, YouTube also had below the logo a slogan which reads “Broadcast Yourself”, but it was viewed only from 2005 to 2012.

Nowadays, YouTube assembled categories where a user can select an associated content. During the uploading a video, a person can choose basic categories – see the attachment. (YouTube Creators Academy, 2018).

Company Structure

The company YouTube, LLC is the subsidiary whose parent is the company Google, Inc. which comes under the American conglomerate1 Alphabet Inc (Reeves, 2015). The level of the company is organized as the top management. The company is appeared and used worldwide on the Internet except China, Iran and North Korea. It is possible to earn money via YouTube thanks to the online advertising – e. g. Google AdSense whose advertiser is
Google, Inc. Currently, the CEO of YouTube is Susan Wojcicki.

Image 2: Company structure

Source: http://static3.businessinsider.com/image/569536e6e6183e1c008b8b81-1200-1396/bi_graphics_alphabet-google-org-structure_05.png

Features and Affiliated Services

Undoubtedly, YouTube supports file formats such as .mov, .mp4, .avi and so on, provides to upload videos and to set the quality format. A couple of years ago, YouTube carried out a possibility of live-streaming both for YouTube itself and later for YouTubers (Sahlin & Botello, 2007). Furthermore that time, it was added the option of 3D videos as well. Google announced 360° videos, where a person can try virtual reality, which would become reality in January 2015 (Bonnington, 2015). In 2016, YouTube has initiated a beta test of YouTube Community where YouTubers may make discussions with their viewers (Wojcicki, 2016). It is a strategy how to get closer to their fans.

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