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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

Table 4 – Let’s Player

Source: Own processing

The main requirement for a Let’s Player is high-powered computer focused on difficult games. The acoustic foam helps to reduce the noise in room. The chroma-key background18 is not important. Some do not use that and Let’s Players find it sometimes unnecessary.

Table 5 - Vlogger

Source: Own processing

Among the main requirements for a Vlogger are DSLR camera19 and light. These YouTubers have to be heard and seen sufficiently.

Table 6 - Designer

Source: Own processing

The main means of Designer are software and graphics tablet. Judging by the figures, it is very expensive to become a professional designer.

According to the created after-statistics, it was found out the designers have the most costs, the most expensive item is DSLR camera and the most expensive add-on is MB Looks20. Although, the statistics appeared like this, there is no way to use it exactly.

Chart 2 – The most important items

Source: Own processing

These figures cannot be considered accurately because they are rounded from the price range. Furthermore, some items in these tables were not included in the calculation. The calculation is a mere option how to get the result and therefore is possible the minimal and maximal costs can increase or decrease. Naturally, YouTubers deliberate the situation if it is worth to purchase or rather to save the money.

Other graphs and tables can be viewed in the attachments.

Sign Up

The registration on YouTube works simply at the beginning. As far as those who are concerned about YouTube, should already know the company Google owns YouTube. It means the administration begins with the creating of Google account.

First step: Google requires general information and the person has to agree with the Google Terms of Service.

Second step: Google verifies user’s account. It is necessary to enter the phone number again and then select the option of sending the code (text message or voice call). Afterwards, enter the verification code and continue.

Image 15 – Google Sign-up

Source: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.cz%2F&lp=1&hl=en-GB

The Google administration is completed. Currently, YouTube falls under Google - both accounts are automatically connected to each other.

Third Step: By clicking on My Channel, a table pops out with a way to use YouTube (signifies the name of YouTube channel). Nevertheless, this information is only for people who merely intend to spectate videos. There is an option to use a business or other name. It requires to name the channel and select a category (see the attachment) and agreement to the Terms. Moreover, it informs the new channel comes with a Google+ page. Subsequently, it is necessary to verify the account again by the text message or voice call. The channel has been successfully created.

A comment for future YouTubers, it does not have to be a real name insomuch as the majority of YouTubers prefer to identify themselves in pseudonyms.

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