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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

Meanwhile earning money (accurately after first earned 10 USD), the person has to fill out a form regarding to their address and the basic information, which have been written in the Google Sign-Up, for the future withdrawal.

If the channel is successful and having a lot of earnings, it is inevitable to pay taxes to the revenue service and become a sole trader.

Revenue Analytics

Several videos have been uploaded and the monetisation is activated on our channel. To watch the statistics, the person clicks through the Creator Studio and opens the Analytics. There is an overview of the revenue reports, watch time reports and interaction reports in the real-time. The statistics shows everything what is necessary.

In the revenue subfolder of revenue reports, there are three important cells indicating estimated revenue, estimated ad revenue and YouTube Red revenue. YouTube outlines 7 charts (line, multi-line, stacked area, bar, pie, map, bubble) showing information about the revenue (which videos have been seen, where the videos have been seen from, when the videos have been seen). According to this analytics, it is time to focus on the viewers’ needs and ensure a longer viewing rate based on these charts. Each person amuses their viewers in a different way, there is not an exact way how to prolong it. However, YouTubers often prolong the video by funny add-ons (e.g. an Internet meme25), telling a comparison with something, telling stories and experiences or inserting outtakes26.

Image 19 – Revenue (own channel)

Source: YouTube (own channel)

In the ad rates subfolder, there is ad revenue, estimated monetised play-backs, playback-based CPM and CPM. It shows the charts as well as before. The only difference is it shows types of the used ad and the gross revenue.

Image 20 – Ad rates (own channel)

Source: YouTube (own channel)

In the analytics, the person can learn more information than the revenue (e.g. to find out which gender or country watches the video the most often).

Process of Money Withdrawal

A lot of videos have already been uploaded and mostly monetised. The revenue is increasing according to the revenue analytics and the person has the intention to withdraw the earnings from the YouTube business. Just a note, this withdrawing process is used with Google AdSense.

In the first place, AdSense pays off only if the user obtained 100 USD at least.

Secondarily, person logs in to AdSense and opens Payments menu. In Payments settings, they tick to add a new payment method where fill out the account holder name, bank information, account number and tick to set this payment method as primary. Consequently, the person can voluntarily set the payment threshold and save the settings.

Image: 21 – AdSense payment settings

Source: https://www.shoutmeloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Adsense-Payment-threshold.jpg

In the third place, Google sends an e-mail a letter of acknowledgement about the recent changes in the payment method. The letter of acknowledgement also contains that the amount of money was debited from Google account and will be sent on the 21st of the month. The information will be viewed on the user’s AdSense payment history as well.

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