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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube


It was collected enough information to begin with the upload of video. The channel has been refined by the name, banner and avatar (explained in the chapter Channel Tips) and sorted by optional modules. The items have been purchased and prepared, the person has done the recording, editing and rendering of the video. It is time to move on YouTube where the business launches practically.

Firstly, click on the arrow meaning the upload in the upper right corner next to the notifications bell and the avatar. It prompts to select or drag and drop files, which the uploader wishes to upload, and set the privacy of the video (public, unlisted, private and scheduled).

Secondarily, it shows an upload status and a link of the user’s video on the left, consequently, the elapsed and remaining time of uploading and the setting menu (consisting of basic info, translations, monetisation and advanced settings) in the upper part.

Image 16 – The setting menu (own channel)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=u56Bh63e-Iw

The basic info is composed of the name of video, description, tags and video thumbnails in the middle. The right side offers the privacy again, locations of share, to add the video to playlist (private or public) or the own customisation of thumbnail. If the person wants to upload it privately and also to make it available for special users of YouTube (must be logged in), the person can share it for them. The scheduled time suggests selecting the date, time and the time-zone. According to the customised thumbnail, YouTube gives three options automatically after the upload (in the middle) but the user can select own thumbnail from the user’s computer.

In the translations window, it is possible to set the original language in the video and transferred translation into other language.

After opening the monetisation window (see the attachments), it shows a usage policy (monetisation, block or track in all countries), ad formats which are possible to select (except the display ads - these are required automatically) between overlay ads (in the bottom), sponsored cards (on the right), skippable video ads (before the video), non-skippable video ads (before the video as well) and the asset information (regarding to complete ownership of the copyright).

In the advanced settings, the person chooses options in comments (to allow for all or exceptions, like or dislike the video), in the license and rights ownership (standard or creative commons enabling to duplicate the video under the certain conditions), in the syndication (everywhere or monetised platforms), the caption certification, the distribution options, the age restrictions, the category (Music, Gaming etc.), the video location, the video language, the community contributions (translation of video into their native language), the recording date, the video statistics, the 3D video, the content declaration (displaying the video contains paid promotion). At the moment, the video is seen, set in public, and ready for monetisation.

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