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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

If YouTube itself finds out you use someone’s copyright, the user’s video will be investigated and considered as an unauthorized use. YouTube can punish by giving some restrictions to the user’s video. Firstly, it can be blocked in several (mostly Germany because of GEMA33) or even all countries. Secondarily, YouTube bans the video to monetize (but it can be viewed for everyone without problems). In the third place, YouTube mutes the audio of the video (the most problems are with the audio content) on request of a claimant (most often some studios or cooperation deputizing the musicians or composers) because they own the audio track. In the fourth place, it blocks certain platforms, however, this issue is not caused from uploader’s side but with the side of the copyright owners. These owners can limit the devices or other promotion means on which their content can appear. Possibly, YouTube commands the user to delete the video or their account will be ultimately deleted.

If YouTube users detect someone’s copyright, the users can report the video to YouTube by submitting an issue. Subsequently, YouTube asks the person what the issue is (see the attachment). The video is reviewed by YouTube staff and they give the judgement very soon. However, if the person, who reported the video, submitted false information, YouTube can terminate the account. If the YouTube user, who reported the video, is the owner of the footage or audio, they can secure it in many ways – the claimant, can be the studio or cooperation which has been written before, requires the restriction to the uploader. Another way how to secure own videos is to fill a form making the complete copyright of the video (because all videos which are uploaded are not secured) and this prevents to upload a duplicate.

If the person is the uploader, they can do a few things depending on the situation. In the first place, to agree with the claim and do nothing. Secondarily, to remove the music and change the track (from the user’s computer or YouTube’s free-to-use-songs). Thirdly, it is possible to share a revenue with the owner, however, they have to be a part of YPP. In the fourth place, they can open a dispute with YouTube and this needs the verification that the uploader is also the owner of the video. The possibilities of submissions of the invalid claim are in the attachments. Subsequently, the person confirms their proof and waits for the judgement of YouTube (this can last weeks). YouTube can accept the proof of the opponent, reject the proof or if the dispute is repeated in other videos and proved wrong, YouTube will cogitate on censuring opponent due to the repeated untruth. It means to delete the account.

Image 23 – Copyrighted content detection (own channel)

Source: YouTube (own channel)

Interview with NejFake (Video Blogger)

It has been inquired 33 famous Czech/Slovak YouTubers for the interview. Two answered, but one of them refused to fill out the questions due to the many similar requests.

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