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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube


The purpose of this work is to inform about the server YouTube and teach readers how to make a profit from that.

The reader got acquainted with Google and its subsidiary YouTube as companies and their additional features.

The reader learnt about YouTubers, their business purpose, advantages and disadvantages
of being an Internet celebrity. Furthermore, he or she got to know with famous Czech, Slovak and foreign YouTubers in the top rank and knew their way of entertainment.

The reader knows how to decide to contribute to some YouTube categories and determine the direction of business thanks to several explained present trends.

The reader was accompanied by the enrolling in the evidence and channel tips created
by YouTube and the author of work. In addition to that, he or she recognizes the distinction between inspiration and copyright strike.

The author created the probable acquisition costs and the estimated time performance where the reader learns about the various types of YouTubers’ sets and the price.

The reader got acquainted with the video settings what is necessary to tick, enable or ban.

The author explained the marketing strategies on YouTube, various tricks which are often used by YouTubers and a part of the online marketing where the fundamental earnings originate.

The reader knows the terms when they can enable the monetisation and where they can read through and check the revenue analytics which show the revenue reports and ad rates.

The author showed a process of withdrawing money via Google AdSense that ends
by the letter of acknowledgement where the entrepreneur receives a profit.

Eventually, the author interviewed a well-known Czech YouTuber who revealed interesting information about himself and the YouTubers. The interviewer found out his opinions and ideas for nowadays business.



MILLER, Michael. YouTube for Business: Online Video Marketing for Any Business: for Business [online]. 2nd edition. Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 USA: Que Publishing, 2011 [cit. 2018-01-16]. ISBN 9780789747266

SAHLIN, Doug a Chris BOTELLO. YouTube For Dummies [online]. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA: Wiley Publishing, 2007 [cit. 2018-01-16]. ISBN 9780470149256

Já, JůTuber [online]. CooBoo. Praha: CooBoo, 2015 [cit. 2018-01-14]. ISBN 978-80-7544-008-2


Lesson: YouTube Categories: Researching content categories. YouTube Creators: Academy [online]. San Mateo, California, USA: YouTube, 2018, 2018 [cit. 2018-01-21]. Dostupné z: https://creatoracademy.youtube.com/page/lesson/overview-categories#strategies-zippy-link-1

WELCH, Chris. 10 important things to know before signing up for YouTube TV. The Verge [online]. New York, USA: The Verge, 2017, Apr 5, 2017 [cit. 2018-01-22]. Dostupné z: https://www.theverge.com/2017/4/5/15194374/youtube-tv-live-streaming-10-important-things-to-know

REEVES, Jeff, ed. Google vs Alphabet: What You Need to Know. InvestorPlace [online]. Rockville, USA: InvestorPlace, 2015, Oct 5, 2015 [cit. 2018-01-17]. Dostupné z: https://investorplace.com/2015/10/google-vs-alphabet-goog-stock-googl/#.Wl_D9q7iaCo

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