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Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

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Maturitní práce na téma: Manuál jak vydělat peníze prostřednictvím YouTube

Image 11 – Letter of acknowledgement (letter of Prabhakar Rai)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YICQsFOhE8

Channel Tips

Firstly, YouTube gives advice on the pre-production priorities. It teaches through four-lesson course about basics of scriptwriting, storyboards and more.

Secondarily, there is a possibility of changing URL27. As it has been written, it matches the URL to user’s brand and that helps fans to find the user easier. However, the user needs to be eligible to use it.

Thirdly, the most important to earn money – enabling monetisation and its updated technology. YouTube informs about the news in monetisation (various icons, improving accuracy overall).

Author’s tips, which are fairly essential as well, help with the customization and visualization.

In the first place, an avatar28 represents user’s brand. The avatar is shown on the channel, next to comments under a video and in the YouTube settings.

In the second place, a banner29 signifies the user’s video topics. Some YouTubers pay the designer to make a design for their channel. The banner is one of the concept that viewer notices at the first sight.

The third place contains the video thumbnails30. It shows a picture which viewers can look forward to. It can be described as a trailer in a picture. The thumbnail evokes surprise, action or interesting fact. Nevertheless, it can also be a point of the YouTuber. Some creators use this thumbnail for click baits31 and it is often deceptive due to the marketing hook, trick or just a joke.

Image 22 – Banner, avatar, video thumbnails (channel of NejFake)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/user/NejFake/videos

Some YouTubers are depended on the order of their uploaded videos and enabling side modules and popular channels on YouTube (this setting is monetized). But this is a matter of each YouTuber if they want it or not.

Inspiration versus Copyright Strikes

YouTubers struggle with using copyright of someone else a lot but luckily, there are certain options how to avoid or not break it.

The first option can be the own content (audio, takes, inspiration). Unfortunately, nobody is perfect and a lot of people are not educated enough (e.g. in the audio production).

For audio, the sites which enable no authorization of rights or the channels releasing free sounds (for instance NCS32) or partnership networks (e.g. LIMIT Network). This secures a monetized video without any problems from the side of YouTube policy and terms.

For takes, there is no way how to evade comments claiming copyright. However, some types of videos are clichés and overused and they can be used for each starting YouTuber (e.g. facts about the person, playing same games, a review of anything). It is better to make up something new and the spectators will definitely appreciate it.

If that happens the YouTuber breaks someone’s copyright, they will be somehow punished by two ways (YouTube itself as a detector or other YouTube users who detect the copyright strike). In the next paragraph, there are possibilities of punishments of these sides.

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