Education in Great Britain, USA and Czech Republic
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Education in Great Britain, USA and Czech Republic
a) Great Britain
Types of people: Nursery under 5 years
Infant 5 – 7 years
Junior 7 – 11 years
Senior 11- 16 plus
Further education 16 plus
University 18 plus
Primary and Secondary education:
Every between 5 – 16 - full time education
- boys and girls together
- non-selective schools
Secondary schools: 1. Comprehensive1 school - the majority choose this school
2. Grammar school - 11 – 18 years
- academic education
- entrance with examination → selective
2. Public schools ( private ): - 7 – 8 % of students
- ex. Elton, Harrow
- quite expensive
- students can get scholarship2 there
- before they usually attend preparatory school – age 8 – 13
3. The National Curriculum3: - published in 1989
- they wanted to increase knowledge in age 5 – 16 in England
and Wales
- purpose: - raise students
- extend parental choice
- give schools greater responsibilities
- emphasis4 the national knowledge
- set core5 subjects:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- and other foundation6 subjects:
- Technology
- History
- Geography
- Music
- Art
- Physical education
- Modern foreign language
( All students must study first nine subjects from 5 – 14, but
from 11 – 14 they must add modern language )
4. Key stages : 1. Infant - up to 7 years
2. Junior - 7 – 11 years
3. pre-GCSE - 11 – 14 years
4. preparation
for GCSE - 14 – 16
5. Education from age of 14: - 14 – 16 years – they have 3 core subjects: 1. Technology
2. Modern
3. Physical
- In Wales they have also history, geography, their language
6. Examination: - at above 16
- called: General Certificate of Secondary Education –
- compulsory7 subjects : - English
- Science
- Mathematics
7. The higher courses: - at age of 18
- entrance examination for higher education : called A – level
- the newer examination is called Advanced Supplementary
- for people aged 16
- it enables to increase studied subjects
8. Exceptions in Scotland: - Secondary schools are called Public schools
- they move to Sec. schools aged 12 not 11
9. Higher education: - available at Universities and institutions for higher education - Britain has 47 Universities ( include Open University)
- the oldest Universities are Oxford and Cambridge (12th – 14th)
- Scottish universities – St Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen
they date from 14th to 15th century
10. UCLES: - it was established in 1858 in Cambridge University
- the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate - it sets standards of efficiency8 for schools
- it was extended also overseas
- in our country promoted by British Council
11. Universities system: - first degree – last 3 – 4 years (medical – 5 years)
- the main qualification : B.A. – Bachelor of Arts
B.Sc. – Bachelor of Science
- for students who are studying subjects such as engineering
it is typical that they spend some time in the industrial location so that they get experience
- degrees: - first class
- second class - upper