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Quiz on the Romany Nation

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Quiz on the Romany Nation

1. The country of origin of this nation is:

A – definitely Italy (Rome)

B – is still a mystery

C – India

2. The name „Cikani“ is derived from the word „Atsiganoi“, which was originally given to

A – the Roma in the Balkans

B – a sect of Macedonian monks

C – a band of travelling jugglers and actors

3. Some historians and linguists think that the Roma left India because they:

A – were too proud to be in the lowest caste (labourers, servants)

B – were driven away by droughts and famines

C – wanted to escape the strict Indian caste system and find new markets for their products

4. Some scientists believe Gypsies are of Indian origin because:

A – they look similar to people in some parts of India

B – there can be found similarities in the two langauges

C – they have found some information in the royal archives in Hungary

5. The Roma were:

A – always less intelligent than other nations they met

B – bearers of culture in some places (e.g. they brought new technologies for working metals and iron)

C – regarded as a band of travellers whose only goal was to steal from others

6. The reason why the Gypsies steal from the white people might be that:

A – the Gypsies feel the white majority has never done anything good for them

B – the white people can be more easily robbed

C – to steal from other people is in fact regarded as a virtue

7. The largest Roma population can be found in:

A – Romania C – France

B – Spain D – Bulgaria

8. The Nazis of the Third Reich murdered most likely _________ Roma in the concentration camps.

A – 105,300

B – over 500.000

C – 50.000

9. The presence of the Roma in the Czech lands can be proved since:

A – the 15th century (letters of protection issued by some noblemen)

B – the 10th century (legends of St Wenceslas)

C – the 18th century (the books of birth and death from the times of Maria Theresa)

10. The Roma were persecuted in the Middle Ages and later on as well because:

A – they were not followers of Christ (were not Christians)

B – they were sometimes reagarded as Turkish spies

C – they couldn’t read or write and thus they could be easily deceived

11. The first enedeavours to assimilate the Roma were made during:

A – the Velvet Revolution

B – the rign of Charles IV

C – the reign of Maria Theresa

12. The most of „Czech“ Roma now:

A – are descendents of the Roma who have been living here for generations

B – came from the Balkans after WWII, because the original Gypsy population was wiped out

C – came from Slovakia and Hungary

13. After 1993, when the Czechoslovakia split, a lot of gypsies weren’t granted Czech citizenship:

A – because the Czech government was trying to make them leave the country

B – the citizenship law required of them the evidence of permanent residence and place of birth in the CR and clean criminal record.

C – because they didn’t know they were obliged to apply before Dec 31, 1993

Answers: 1 BC 2 B 3 BC 4B 5B 6A 7A 8B 9A 10AB 11C 12 B 13B

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