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Rheumatism - People suffering from rheumatic diseases

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The cause of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is unknown. Growth may be affected during periods of active disease. Girls are affected more often than boys. The peak onset occurs between the ages of 2 to 5 years old and between 9 to 12 years old. Risk factors may be a family history of the disease and recent rubella infection or vaccine.


There is no known prevention for JVA.


  • joint stiffness on arising in the morning

  • limited range of motion

  • slow rate of growth

  • hot, swollen, painful joints

  • fever

  • rheumatoid rash

Symptoms of eye involvement:

  • red eyes

  • eye pain

Other symptoms

- chest pain

  • shortness of breath

  • abdominal pain


Physical examination may show an enlarged liver, enlarged spleen, or swollen lymph nodes.


Treatment is aimed at preserving mobility and joint function and supporting the patient and family through a long illness.

Therapeutic medications include:

  • aspirin

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents

  • corticosteroids

  • mydriatics

  • gold therapy

  • immune suppressing agents (rarely used in children).

Physical therapy and exercise programmes may be recommended. Surgical procedures may be indicated, including joint replacement.


JRA is seldom life threatening. Long periods of spontaneous remission are typical. Often JRA improves or remits at puberty. Approximately 75% of JRA patients eventually enter remission with minimal functional loss and deformity.

Mobility aids

Crutches are helpful if the wrist and elbow involvement is minimal. Care must be taken to fit the crutches correctly and to instruct in proper usage. In a case of moiré severe disabilities the patients use wheelchairs.

Aquatic sports/water exercise

For patients with arthritis water exercise is a safe and effective means of exercise.

It has many health benefits as well as psychosocial and psychical. Rheumatic patients in water have less disability, pain, anxiety, and depression… The people should be encouraged to swim regularly and improve swimming techniques.

Other sports

Cycling and walking are beneficial for rheumatic patients.

Proper footwear is important. Patients who have received total joint replacement should be cautioned against performing contact sports as well as those, which require sudden rotatory movements (tennis, basketball).

Témata, do kterých materiál patří