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When speaking
about shopping,
we have to
mention how
influences current
society and
Restaurants are another places where we
can buy food. Meals prepared in restaurants
are more expensive so most people don't eat
in them every day.
As keeping cash may not be very convenient, we can also use electronic
money straight from our bank account without using any coins or paper
money. This is why a lot of people prefer
is still the most common payment method. We can keep
money in our bank account and then withdraw it as cash from a ATM.
For some people,
younger ones,
shopping is a part
of their lifestyle.
They love to shop
around in big
shopping malls
and buy a lot of
different things
like clothes,
cosmetics or
Paying by cash
P laces w e visit w hen w e
w ant to go shopping can be
very different. a current social ideology which is connected to the
mass-production of goods. Simply said, it means that the
majority of people only want to earn more money and their
only interest is to buy more and more things with it,
especially things they don't really need. We can say that
owning many things is the highest value in this kind of
The consumer society
Some of them are very
small. The smallest shops
are located in almost every
village so all people can
easily reach them on foot.
...are much bigger than grocery shops.
They offer a large amount of different
products. Unlike in a grocery store, in
a supermarket customers can choose
from multiple variations of each