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The Czech Republic

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  • there are over 10 million people living in the Czech Republic. Many immigrants live here, mostly Ukrainians and Vietnamese

  • the capital city is Prague

  • the currency is the Czech crown

  • it’s a member of the EU / European Union since 2004

  • the area of the Czech Republic is 78 871 square kilometres

  • the current president is Petr Pavel

  • Official symbols: The coat of arms of the Czech Republic, The national colours of the Czech Republic, The flag of the Czech Republic, the national anthem(enfm): Kde domov můj, the Standard of the President of the Czech Republic, Official seal


  • the Czech Republic is located in the middle of Europe.

  • the Czech Republic is surrounded by Slovakia, Austria, Germany and Poland

  • the country is made up of three regions: Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia

  • Bohemia is surrounded by mountains, mostly along the borders

  • Moravia is hilly in the east and in the south low−country

  • Southern Bohemia is famous for many man-made ponds, Šumava has some of the oldest forests in the country. Český ráj is a popular area for hiking and has many interesting rock formations. Moravian Karst is famousfor its cave systems

  • the highest point is Sněžka, which is 1603 metres high and is located in the Krkonoše Mountains.

  • the longest river in the Czech Republic is Vltava, which is 430 km long. The other main rivers are, the Labe, the Morava, the Dyje, the Svratka, the Sázava, the Berounka, …

  • the climate is temperate with warm summers and cold winters

  • other major cities are Brno, Ostrava, Plzeň, Liberec, Olomouc, Pardubice, Karlovy Vary, …


  • the country began to form in the 9th century with the creation of Great Moravia

  • after its fall, the Czech state emerged with help from the Premyslids

  • The kingdom of Bohemia was important and powerful, but there were conflicts like the Hussite Wars in the 15th century and the 30 Years War (the 17th century)

  • under the reign of the Habsburgs it became part of the Empire of Austria−Hungary.

  • this empire collapsed after WWI, and together with its Slovak neighbors, the Czechs formed a new country, known as Czechoslovakia

  • WWII was again destructive to the country, which was occupied by the Germans

  • after the war ended, Czechoslovakia fell under the Soviet Union. The country remained a Communist state until the peaceful revolution in 1989

  • the Czechs and Slovaks split in 1993 and two separate states were created


  • The Czech government is a parliamentary democracy.

  • The parliament consists of two houses; the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.

  • There are 200 people in the Chamber of Deputies, and they serve a 4year term.

  • The 81 Senate members are elected for 6 years.

  • Head of state is president, who is elected every five years by the people.

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