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14. William Shakespeare

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  • was a famous playwright, poet and actor

  • his plays and sonets have been translated and read all over the world

  • he wrote about 40 plays and over 150 sonnets

  • LIFE:

    • he was born in Stratford upon Avon in 1564

    • he was only 18 when he married Anne Hathaway who was 8 years older

    • they had 3 children together: Susanna and twinsHamnet and Judith

      • Hamnet died ath the age of 11 and his death made William write the play Hamlet

    • later he moved to a London

    • he was also part owner of a company called the Lord Chamberlain’s men

      • the company built their own theatre called the Globe

    • in the end of his life he moved back to Stratford and he died in 1616

    • after his death many people began to say the work by Shakespeare was not written by him and even now we can’t be 100% sure that he really wrote all of his plays


    • is divided into 3 parts

    • the first part includes comedies and historical plays

      • A Midsummer-Night’s Dream

      • The Taming of the Shrew

      • Henry IV.

      • Julius Caesar

    • the second part includes sonnets (which are 14 lines poems about love) and tragedies

      • Romeo and Juliet

      • Macbeth – is about the path to power through a crime

      • Hamlet – is about a prince who takes revenge for murdering his father

      • Othello – shows us human betrayal and manipulability

      • King Lear

    • and in the third part there are mostly fairly tales

      • The Tempest

      • The Winter’s Tale


  • the tragedy Romeo and Juliet is about unhappy love and hatred between 2 houses in Verona

  • Romeo is from the house of Montague and Juliet is from the house of Capulates

  • one day Romeo meets Juliet at the ball and they immediately fall in love with each other

  • and later they get secretly married

  • Romeo unfortunatelly kills Juliet’s cousin Tybalt and he is sent to the exile

  • Juliet’s parents want her to marry a rich man Paris but she doesn’t want to because she loves Romeo

  • she asks Friar for help and he gives her a potion that will make her look dead

  • Romeo finds about about Juliet’s death, buys a poison and goes to say the last goodbye to her

  • he kills himself and when Juliet wakes up and sees Romeo dead she takes his knife and kills herself too

  • Montague and Capulet Houses finally reconcile in the end

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