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The Czech Republic

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is also known as a place where Egon Schiele, an expressionist painter of European renown, created many if his works.

The Pilgrimage church of Jan Nepomuk in Zelená Hora, close to Žďár nad Sázavou (1994). The star shaped pilgrimage church built by Santini‑Aichl, a Czech Baroque builder of Italian origin, is characteristic of Baroque‑Gothic style. The building includes a lot of complex symbolism based on the number five.

Kutná Hora (1995). A medieval mining town, which became rich because of its silver deposits, is famous for its historical centre and the Church of St. Barbara. The construction of this eye‑catching piece of Gothic architecture begun in 1388 but wasn’t completed until 1905. The construction was often interrupted as the town suffered from wars, flood and financial collapse following the closure of the mines.

Lednice-Valtice cultural landscape (1996). As every Czech knows, ‘lednice’ means ‘refrigerator’ but this chateux complex in South Moravia is unlikely to leave you feeling frosty. This impressive combination of Baroque and Neo‑Gothic styles stands in the largest park in the Czech Republic (200 km2) and is an important example of English Romantic landscape design.

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