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The mass media and communication

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On the radio you can listen to the news, ......................................(14) reports, the weather forecast, music, plays, etc.

The Internet

The Internet is a large system of connected computers around the world that allows people to share information and communicate with each other. You can ...................................(15) the Internet for information about a specific topic or person, you can send and receive e-mails, watch TV, listen to the radio, read books and newspapers online, do your shopping online, use e-banking, download music and films, play online games, and use ...................................(16) networking sites, such as Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, for chatting and sharing photos and information.

Quite a lot of people prefer the Internet to other mass media because it allows to get information from many sources very quickly. On the other hand, some people miss the feel of paper or find it difficult to read from the screen.


Communication is the process of sharing or exchanging information, ideas, or feelings. Communication can be verbal (= using words) or…………………..…..(17), which includes facial expressions, ………….….….. (18) or eye contact. The verbal communication can be spoken or written.

Modern forms of communication include text-messaging (texting) and video chatting.

TASK 2: Discuss is pairs:

  1. What are the mass media?

  2. Which type of the mass media is the youngest?

  3. What can you find in a newspaper?

  4. Do you think that newspapers have a future or will they be replaced with online news?

  5. Have you ever subscribed to a magazine? Which one(s)?

  6. What kinds of TV programmes can you name?

  7. Are there any TV programmes that you watch regularly?

  8. What can you listen to on the radio?

  9. What do you use the Internet for?

  10. What are the dangers of the Internet?

  11. What is non-verbal communication?

  12. How do you communicate with friends you don´t see very often?

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