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The political system in Britain and USA

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- the party which win sufficient10 seats form the Government

- the leader of the party is Prime Minister

- its leading members are chosen by Prime Minister

- its called Cabinet – twenty leading ministers

take decision on major policy

- the second party in elections is the official opposition

- it has Shadow cabinet

- Prime Minister - the most important person

- the PM lived at 10 Downing Street but in 1994 it was

changed by Tony Blair

- the PM lives now at 11 Downing Street

- 10 Downing Street is a flat for Chancellor of the Exchequer

he is responsible for money and financials

- Ministries - Lord Chancellor

- head of judiciary

- preside House of Lords

- Home Secretary

- Minister of Health

Royal family: - surname of the family is Winsdor - ancestors were German

- scandals - effect on their popularity

- all the queen’s children were divorced or separated

- problems between Diana and Charles

Political parties: Conservative developed11 from the group known as Tories and still called Tories in newspapers (shorter)

outlook - right of center

- want minimal government

interference12 in economy

- likes to reduce income tax

- priority to defense, internal law and order

since 1779 - education reform

- welfare13

- good economy

leader - big freedom to direct policy

- John Major

voters - rich people + working classes money - from business people

Labour formed 20th century, 1st government in 1923

outlook - left of center

- wants equality14 for weaker people

- wants to involve in economy

- full social services but no decrease of income taxes

since 1979 - opposition to Conservatives

leader - more power than other policies

- Tony Blair

voters - working class, middle- class

money - from trade unions


Democrats formed 1980’s from Whigs (liberals) and Social Democrats

outlook - in the middle or slightly left

- in favour of the EU

- emphasis15 on the environment

- wants reform of electoral system and greater power to local government

leader - Paddy Ashdown

voters - from all classes

- more from middle class

money - private donations

b) USA

- federal republic, 50 states and District of Columbia (D:C.)

- each state is different - own state government, laws, education, taxes, etc.

- the federal government responsible - matters concerning the country as a whole - foreign affairs, defence and finance

- each state has Governor, Legislature and State Judiciary

Government - Federal Government

- established by constitution

- ratified 1788 by thirteen colonies

- consists - Preamble16

- Articles I - VII

- 26 Amendments17

American bill of right 1791

- no new unconstitutional law can pass

- controlled with checks18 and balances19

- composed20 of three branches: Legislative21 (Congress)

Executive22 (President)

Judicial23 (Supreme Court24)

- none of them have ultimate power - it belongs to the people


- today two main parties - Democratic and Republican

- two bodies: 1. Senate

2. House of Representatives

- function jointly - drafting25 and passing26 laws

- matters around national finance (coining money, setting taxes)

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