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Communication - the internet

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18. Communication - The Internet


  • the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium, sharing of ideas and feelings


  • any communication that uses words to share information with others

  • talking to your friend, presentation, giving speech

  • opening communication = first impression, very important for job interviews, meeting someone for the first time

  • rule of effective speaking - words you choose, how you say them and with what intonation you use it, how to tell something bad in a gently way (because words can hurt)

  • rule of active listening - being able to listen to others, don’t focus just on some facts, listen to the whole thing and then make an overall picture

advantages of verbal communication

  • hearing things yourself - you understand what the other person meant so there is no misunderstanding

  • hearing the tone of the person’s voice

  • expressing ourselves

disadvantages of verbal communication

  • you don’t have to be that good with words so you can’t express your emotions

  • you don’t know how to help a friend or what to say when needed

  • verbal communication can be tiring sometimes - listening to someone speak for multiple hours or being forced to pay attention for a very long time


  • talking without speaking a word

  • using just gestures, facial expressions, body language and posture, appearance, haptics, eye gaze

  • constitutes 70% to 80% of communication

  • every placement plays a role in this type of communication - where are you standing, your looks, colour of your hair, but charisma is still working a lot

  • kinesics = body language

  • proxemics = distance between the speakers

advantages of non-verbal communication

  • easy to understand - especially when people don’t speak the same language

  • expressing our emotions without expressing them verbally

disadvantages of non-verbal communication

  • body never lies - something we don’t want to be shown can be shown


  • communicating by sending messages through texts, letters, e-mails etc.

  • very time consuming

  • often formal method of communication

  • can be used for example as a legal evidence

advantages of written communication

  • suitable for long distance communication

  • gives responder a sufficient time to think, act and react

  • creating permanent record of evidence

disadvantages of written communication

  • time consuming

  • there may be misunderstanding (we can’t hear the intonation, or the person could mean it in a different way)

  • can’t maintain strictly secret (which would have been possible in oral communication)

  • not effective in case of emergency


  • communication through something you just see - picture can tell a thousand words

  • multiple types of charts, graphs, etc.

  • communication through art - expressing your feelings, opinions, (hidden message)

advantages of visualisation

  • for some people it is easier to communicate or express in this way

disadvantages of visualisation

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